I think it should bother me that I feel like I care a little about Brian Austin Green's breakup... I released the crew head grid for this year today without names on it. Sometimes I crack myself up... In three days in the office I haven't really made much of a dent in my prep. It doesn't take long for the noise to overwhelm the signal... I'm beginning to think that the @NFTRW_Feed account might be coming to a tipping point as far as followers. It'll be cool if it happens... There are times I miss being option coordinator. Just for a minute or two. Same goes with Stagecraft Coordinator, and Thesis Coordinator. I get over it pretty quickly... Today it rained for exactly the time it took me to make a stop. That was pretty considerate of the weather I think... More and more I think that folks high up at the DNC are just watching episodes of The West Wing on an endless loop. There are worse places for them to get ideas... I'm letting go of the "$17k CNC Router In My Garage" plan. Have to think of something else to occupy my daydreaming... It's really too bad that Norm MacDonald has taken on Col. Sanders. Not quite as bad as Colin Ferguson taking on The Maytag Repairman, but bad... I keep telling UBER Phoenix that I don't live in Phoenix. They don't seem to care... It seems to me that when talking about deliveries any time after say maybe 6PM ought to count as the following day. Just sayin... I was complaining about MHP not being on MHP and then there she was subbing on Maddow. That was cool... The other day I started to wonder who knows more about me: Google or Amazon? Seems one has WAY more data but the other has a much better signal to noise ratio... Maybe next week I will actually write something instead of this stream of consciousness blather...
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
I am pretty sure I started working on the fall in earnest today... The trouble with the dino side gig is that I want it to be a side gig... It's fun watching The Dark Night and picking out Pittsburgh locations when they are less obvious... So far taking the bus has been ok, but then it hasn't rained yet, and it isn't cold out... It is really cold in my office. I don't know what's up with that... Someone really ought to take away my Amazon access for a little while... Did a honey-do today that has been on the list for maybe two years. There's hope for me yet, I guess... Suddenly my phone wouldn't charge, and then after an update it charged again... The boy seems to know when we're trying to get a family photo. He also seems to not want to be in a family photo... If you don't want people to cancel their subscriptions you shouldn't ask them if they want to cancel... I'm going to have to turn off the plugin I downloaded from the EFF, just makes things too slow... I've got Doctor Who season one episode one on the DVR. Never seen it... I can't believe the number of movies we've missed this summer... Got ideas for cutting down the electrical bill? I could certainly use them... Just finished reading "Lexicon." You should start it... Weekend MSNBC without MHP on #nerdland just aren't the same... Spent some time today trying to track down last year's graduates. They're harder to get hold of once they're not coming in every day... I thought it was underlining or quotes. Turns out that with the demise of longhand it has become italics... It seems odd that even with very little to do there's still too much to do... Can you guess my most favorite sound these days? Would you have guessed "the air conditioner turning off?" Maybe after reading that electricity thing above... I wonder how many sentences can reasonably go within a single ellipse? Probably nobody really cares...
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11:40 PM
Labels: Ellipses
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Two months ago I thought the events of this summer would mean more posting. They didn't as it turns out... I'm supposed to be in Chicago this weekend with the extended family. Instead I am at home napping and "like"ing all the pictures. It's not the same... If you have a sign out front of your business that says "great employees needed" don't you think it would be classier to have it read "more great employees needed?" I do... The Century III mall shouldn't really be called a mall anymore - or at least the usage of the word has changed from "indoor shopping center" to "great big empty space." Which I guess is also a proper use of the word, but not one you would necessarily expect.. For the record: planes, trains, and many other things are in fact not cars... I have decided to embargo Star Wars teases for the film this fall. Just gonna let it stand on it's own. Besides, based on the number of movies I see these days it could be mid 2016 before I see it... I need to cut the "bargains" feeds out of my RSS. Even cheap things add up over time... I wonder these days if "sitting relatively quietly in a darkened room" is sufficiently close to "nap"... I'm reading this book "Lexicon" and the top of one of the chapters was about news broadcasts and the internet and I have to admit to being genuinely frightened by it... After being in Pittsburgh for 16 years I think it might actually be time to buy some team jerseys. I'm thinking Polamalu and Crosby, although maybe Harrison and Lemieux. Difficult to get behind any Bucs jerseys though... I didn't watch the last Republican debate. I probably won't watch the next one. I am kinda warming up to a Clinton-Sanders-Lessig evening though... Mulling over the thought of a big "What I Did With My Summer Vacation" post. Not sure about it though...
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5:41 PM
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