10 years ago: What year is it now? 2005, so 1995. August 1995. Living with my Aunt and Uncle in New York, and just finishing up an internship at Hudson Scenic Studios. Playing in the Purchase Summer Ultimate League, and preparing to go back to Yale for my 3rd year of grad school.
5 years ago: August 2000. Taking unemployment and packing my Vegas apartment in preparation to move to Pittsburgh to begin teaching at CMU.
1 year ago: Running my cat back and forth to the UberVet for surgery. Finishing up summer league and pre-college. Unpacking slowly but surely in my new house. Getting ready to return to work.
Yesterday: What did I do yesterday? Meeting regarding the impending Theatre Architecture program. Meeting regarding the scheduling and disposition of Frosh, Soph, & MEIM students on productions. Shopping for bits of the dining room and for our weekend suare. Install blinds in the dining room even though they don't fit. Wander around all evening after a cat who had curiously sprung a leak.
Today: Watched Runaway Jury and then DS9. Received the new dining room furniture. Met a prospective student (probably sound design). Milled thresholds for the dining room and living room. Installed said thresholds. Hung the wedding chupah. Hung some other things on walls. Took the leaky cat to the Vet - he shaved her butt. Got Chinese food. Watched SciFi Friday. Gave the cat anti-biotics. Filled out meme.
Tomorrow: More of the same I guess. More shopping and remodeling. Have to make a trash run. Too exciting, yes?
5 snacks I enjoy: Skittles, Klondike Bars, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Keebler Fudge Sticks, Peanut Butter Wafers
5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: MLE, Indigo Girls, Chicago, Genesis, Phil Collins - any band regularly played on PLR or like station that gets played every damn day when you work in a scene shop.
Things I would do with $100,000,000: T-Bills, retire. Me, my sister, my parents, my wife, her sister, her brother, her parents. Live well, and spread it around some.
5 locations I'd like to run away to: Maui, Vegas, Boulder, Saratoga Springs, Door County
5 bad habits I have: staying up late, blogging obsessively, procrastinating, driving too casually, arguing
5 things I like doing: staying up late, blogging obsessively, procrastinating, driving too casually, arguing
5 things I would never wear: koolots, earring, eyepatch, pegleg, parrot
5 TV shows I like: SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, West Wing, The Wire, Best Week Ever
5 movies I like: The American President, High Fidelity, Midnight Run, Almost Famous, The Natural
5 famous people I'd like to meet: MLE, Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Orson Scott Card, Connie Willis
5 biggest joys at the moment: Marisa, cats (to easy to say Trinity, RoLaren, Bra'tac, & Freya), family, good work, close friends
5 favorite toys: Laser Level, Razr Phone, New Watch, Ionic Breeze, Boat Motor Blender
5 bloggers tagged (if they made it this far): hmm, Katy is poaching my friends. Answer in your own page or in the comments section here if you have no page (or don't really use your page. maybe Marisa will guest blog it): Ellen, Shellie, Kate, Marisa, Deano.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Yet another meme...
Posted by
12:52 AM
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"5 famous people I'd like to meet: Bill Clinton, Al Franken"
I've met them both.
Clinton is a pretty personable guy, the sort of guy you could enjoy watching a ballgame with.
Franken is a foul-mouthed egotist who is ridiculously full of himself. First thing he said to me: "What's the matter? Don't you know who I am?" I so wanted to say, "Like anyone gives a damn."
I can't speak for clinton, having never met him, but I disagree on Franken.
Maybe it was the scenario, being that he was around a bunch of college kids doing a show, but when i met him, (it was at Hillerl after the show they were sponsoring) he walked into the room trying to slip by entirely unnoticed, and i was very intrigued by his ability to do so. As i was in a room full of people I was trying to avoid, I seemed to be the only person perusing the food table and watching the door for a quick exit (it was at a Jewish place, where else?) He slipped in-he's a pretty small guy, not much taller than me in heels, and he kind of slipped in the door, walked over and started getting food. I could tell he wanted about the same thing i did-to get foood and not have to schmooze, so i didn't want to bother him, or make a scene since i was obviously the only one who had noticed him yet, but soon enough someone recognized his presence and he was whisked away. I got a chance to talk to him breifly in passing in the stairwell a little later and he mentioned that it was late, he was old, and all he wanted to do was get home and talk to his wife and kids, and how could i not respect that? I couldn't say there was any ego in him at all. He was almost desperate for someone to get him out of the croud of beggers for one more second of his time. But again, maybe it was just the scenario...
Well, I "met" him at the DNC last year and whenever the cameras weren't on him, the torrent of profanity and abuse he heaped on everyone from Republicans in general to the staff and crew working the venue around him was truly spectacular to witness. Nothing was ever good enough and anything that went wrong was always someone else's fault.
I had the opportunity to observe him off and on for about six hours a day over the course of several days and neither his mood nor his attitude ever improved. (Except, of course, when there were cameras, microphones or other VIPs around. Then he was all smiles and charm.)
And the topper was when he tried to enter a secure area for which he was not credentialed. It was when I stopped him that he gave me the aforementioned "What's the matter? Don't you know who I am?" As if just being "Al Franken" is an automatic pass through a Secret Service checkpoint. Please....
Between my job and having an actress for a girlfriend, I often find myself in close proximity to all manner of VIPs-- from world leaders to celebrities-- and of all of them, Franken's behavior has been by far the worst. (Ellen Degeneres and Paris Hilton are tied for second.) I've found that you can really take the measure of these folks by seeing how they behave when they're not in the public eye. Sometimes (most times, actually) they come off as just regular people-- no better, no worse. But every now and then you encounter a real jerk.
....ive never met al franken...but i did my part by filling out my own answers... www.myspace.com/kidmaxim
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