Tuesday, January 16, 2007


The sound on that game will get annoying, good thing it turns off... Today I got an email about getting too much email... It might just be me, but I think Don Marinelli would make a fabulous Max Bialystock... I think I don't like the snow either, but having a few minutes of sun today was nice... I shouldn't teach in 33 without turning on the lights... Three meals today, that never happens... It's nice with the Steelers out of it that the Bears are still alive, for the moment... If there's no time, then there's just no time, just forget it... I think it is ironic that at this moment my copy of the book "Getting Things Done" is buried under a pile of unopened mail... Kevin lost at copier roulette too... I saw Bush on 60 Minutes, I'd have rather watched someone plant a bush on This Old House... I still cant make the TV come out of my computer, must be missing a step... Playing Doom for the length of the movie might be more interesting than watching the movie Doom... The house in the Star Wars movie turns out to not be mine... Ro Laren will never learn proper feline peeing practices. That's sad... One of my FCEs said I make students read my personal blog. I can't remember ever even giving a student the address to this page... The excitement over those first 100 hours sure wore off fast... Suddenly, everyone is driving Mrs. TANBI's car... My caller ID says the person who is constantly calling our number by mistake is named Rodney. If he keeps calling I think I might post his phone number... We're waiting on hopefully good news here - cross you fingers for us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fingers crosssed!