Sunday, April 15, 2007


Boing Boing: Are cellphones killing bee colonies?: "It's been long understood that bees respond to electromagnetic radiation. Dr Jochen Kuhn at Germany's Landau University has shown that bees don't return to their hives when cellphones are present."

1 comment:

Peg said...

Thanks for this post. I've been following this with some interest (and concern). I'm seriously thinking of keeping bees, but I'm not positive there are enough sources of pollen in my immediate area for them to make their livelihood, and I certainly don't want cranky bees, because they swarm. I've got lots more to learn before wading into those waters.

Anyway -- there is some skepticism as to whether this is a new thing, or a variation of the same old thing (bees have disappeared in large numbers at various points in time). I'm hoping it's the latter.