Monday, December 22, 2008

Belated Day Four Photos

By instant messenger, David Holcomb chats in the fourth day of semester reviews...

"David Holcomb" (11:01:19 AM): Sarah - who is glad to have rediscovered her love of theatre.

"David Holcomb" (11:01:53 AM): Rebecca - who (sometimes) felt (some) class was an after-thought (sic)

"David Holcomb" (11:02:35 AM): Bryan - who says you can't ever do enough planning.

"David Holcomb" (11:03:04 AM): Jeannie - who likes to use color on her paperwork.

"David Holcomb" (11:03:29 AM): Chase - who learned he like to build things

"David Holcomb" (11:06:17 AM): Elize - who spent her semester sewing in the costume shop and the scene shop.

That's a wrap, see you in the spring (for the return of the shoe competition?!?)

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