Saturday, September 19, 2009


Talk like a pirate day, Rosh Hashana, Apple Tree closing, and I am doing ellipses. Blog motivation FAIL... Just how does it turn out that the top selling NFL jersey in PA is Brett Favre? Must be a few others cancelling each other out. Good to know Polamalu is popular in Alaska though... The G20 is next week, work told us to keep kids busy so they won't be "tempted to join protests." Can't have that... Read online that Caprica is on hold. Hope it makes it... The Steeler's game tomorrow is during the Emmy's. I think I'll be watching the game... Rick Santorum is talking about running for President, I will up and join the Republican party to vote in that Primary: Palin, Santorum, Wilson... Getting life put together for another trip to Chicago, and then one to Bloomington, after that there's something, but I don't know what it is... Of course President Obama has to say the criticism isn't race based - don't get much traction to govern calling your constituents racist. That's what blogs are for... Finally going to try to get the paper copies of my summer presentations to the DC students, I hope they haven't been holding their breath... Really too bad about that Senate health insurance bill, write your congresscritters... I've got a lot to say about Apple Tree and the Workshop, but it may just be too much for blogging - more like therapy... First show of the season goes into tech this week, we're ok, but if we try to do the rest of the season at this duty cycle we're going to be sorry - after just the one show (and one at a time) one of the kids is already a little pungent... I may have to work tomorrow, that's three Sunday's in a row. That's why I get the big buck I guess... When the holiday falls on Shabbat there's no shofar - and with me having spent all that time polishing up my tekiah-gadola...


Serrano said...

Why do the powers that be not want students in protests?

David said...

that is an interesting question, yes?