I wish I had the urge to write more... We set some kind of record for food stamps last month. Probably shouldn't be excited about that... Today was so hectic I didn't even finish my lunch before going home for the day. It may be time to re-install summer stock meal rules... The school is tearing down some buildings to make room for a park space, so if the cut, the mall, Flagstaff, and the rest of Schenley are too crowded there will be another option... Comcast ran an ad last night that almost made me think about switching my internet. Didn't think that was possible... Not sure a minaret ban will have the desired effect... There must be a brace my dad could use that would make him so much less the Dark Lord of Sith... I don't care about Charlie Weis or about Tiger's crash, please newspeople, find some real news... A break that includes two hours of driving each day of the break isn't much of a break - just sayin... Watching 'Hoarders' is a sure fire way to get motivated to empty the litter box... I am getting the feeling there's someone in some campus office just making up new rules to make my life more difficult... I wouldn't have thought it possible, but apparently there's a car on the market that gets worse mileage than mine... I know what the web site says, but I just don't believe someone signed for a package at work at 4:43am... This was the first semester since I started it that we wound up with a newsquiz in each week of the semester... I don't understand why they didn't just keep handing off the ball. It seemed to be working... Is it possible that a ten year old reference from an ex would be any kind of reliable way to land a gig? I didn't think so either... Looks like the next break is going to be one of the dreaded two-destination breaks... Talking about crew today made me appreciate how much better things are now than they were ten years ago - although the constant searching for overhires is going to be the end of me... I can't decide if I am finished buying gifts or if I have barely started... We're going to put off the 'unveiling' of my Mom's stone until the spring. She was never a fan of cold weather... Tomorrow I have a no-agenda meeting. I dislike no agenda meetings... I think the 'battle eggnog' ICA was maybe a little jump-the-sharky - but that ice-smoker was pretty neat... Listened to a lot of that '$20 a Gallon' book in the car over the trip. It was better than static on the radio... Didn't buy anything on 'Black Friday' or on 'Cyber Monday' - take that marketing experts...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
In a Nutshell
Not just for PhD's either. Thanks PHDCOMICS.
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: Humor
- 18:57 @puffskein mine did that. I booted the network and the phone fixed itself (solution number like 500 down the troubleshooting tree) #
- 20:51 Down safe #
- 23:12 Hilary Clinton should do a line of pantsuits #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Saturday, November 28, 2009
- 11:52 Waiting for my brunch. #
- 18:25 Evening's activity: yfrog.com/37qr2rj #
- 21:53 Trying to scope Mark Cuban at the Mavs/Pacers. Wonder if he's here. #
- 01:34 I crack myself up #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Friday, November 27, 2009
- 10:57 Thankful for a very special family. #tweetsgiving #
- 12:03 Thankful for AIM, right Andrea? Josh? #tweetsgiving #
- 13:27 @jkrall when there is a philosophical point to be made, never #
- 13:29 Thankful for friends that stick. #tweetsgiving #
- 14:09 Thankful for larkin, tivel, kaylar, Kira, trinity, rolaryn, bratek, freya, petra, and bean. #tweetsgiving #
- 14:47 New(ish) Indy airport not yet on the map. GPSFAIL #
- 15:36 Thankful fo r dedicated students. #tweetsgiving #
- 16:22 Thankful for a happy home. #tweetsgiving #
- 16:48 @aerdin easy mistake #
- 17:09 Thankful for family who travelled. #tweetsgiving #
- 17:58 Thankful for LUR OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI VIII! #tweetsgiving #
- 19:18 Thankful for my lovely wife. #tweetsgiving #
- 20:00 Thankful for all the men and women working to make the world a better place. #tweetsgiving #
- < em>22:49 Thankful for an uneventful day. #Tweetsgiving #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
- 11:01 My hovercraft is full of eels #
- 22:35 One flight of scotch was enough #
- 00:06 Great America buys The Little Dipper - Kiddieland lives on: bit.ly/6tjNt5 #
- 01:11 @giantspatula be looking for that metric at crits... #
Posted by
5:05 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Hilton Garden does not really mean there's a garden - and it isn't so much a Hilton... Blowing off my "Weekly Newspage Mailer" this week for a double issue next week... "The Road" got a good review, but I think I will skip it... Gonna see my Dad tomorrow, as long as all the arrangements work out. Fingers crossed... I don't think it's off limits for a small town to legislate a "no chains" law for downtown businesses... Really sucks to sit in traffic for a while, hear on the radio there's a wreck up ahead, and then not see anything at all when you get there... Can't seem to figure out if a really redundant book is worse as a book or an audiobook... Polanski made bail. I thought that was the problem last time... Got to get my holiday shopping list together... The hotel internet is much less droppy tonight - prolly just jinxed it... After due consideration I think I could pretty much do without snow from now on... Where would one look for a gig in China? I mean, besides in China... As bad as the milage in my truck is, it appears to be better than a V8, all-wheel drive SUV... With the help of three graduate assistants, I finally finished off a project this week that had been hanging around since July. Better late than never... I went to a Target today, in menswear they had something that looked like a squadron of shopping carts carrying 40" flat screen TVs... Did you see the wedge totally explode when it hit the barrier? I wanna be a MythBuster... Got to get the Frosh together next week. Better not forget... Good to hear Big Ben will play Sunday. I hope it wasn't a close decision... Alright, on to Thanksgiving...
Posted by
11:48 PM
Labels: Ellipses
- 23:14 virtually no tweets today - musta been busy #
- 23:14 @sdeutsch maybe you should just send it to his office #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Worth a Look
Here are some of the posts from the last week of the Greenpage that might be worth a look:
NEA chairman Rocco Landesman visits Peoria
pjstar.com: "Rocco Landesman, the guy who was willing to bet that theater in Peoria wasn't as good as theater at the Goodman or Steppenwolf in Chicago, had his chance Friday to see 'Rent' at Eastlight Theatre and judge for himself."Posted by David at 11/17/2009 02:00:00 PM
Turning Our Backs on Anton Chekhov
The Moscow Times: "If you do what I do — write about Russian theater — there is no getting away from him. He is everywhere, he haunts your every move, your every thought, your every dream and nightmare.Posted by David at 11/17/2009 02:11:00 PM
He is Anton Chekhov."
BMI Requirement Causes Uproar
thelincolnianonline: "Lincoln University students will now have to endure a physical exam determining each student's BMI (body mass index) before they are permitted to graduate. An individual's BMI measures the amount of body fat.Posted by David at 11/19/2009 01:33:00 PM
Amid fierce criticisms, Lincoln University has recently installed a new requirement for its undergraduate students. If your BMI is over 30, you are required to take a physical education class."
Disney Legends recall Walt Disney and the 'Yes, if....' way of management
Theme Park Insider: "Walt Disney didn't create or build the theme park industry, contrary to what some folks have claimed over the years. What he did, veteran attraction designer Bob Rogers said, was to create and manage the team that built the theme park industry."Posted by David at 11/20/2009 01:20:00 PM
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Pittsburgh City Paper: "When it comes to sheer snarkiness, you can't beat the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (with music and lyrics by Frank Loesser and a script by Abe Burrows, Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert)."Posted by David at 11/19/2009 01:37:00 PM
CMU production succeeds in 'Business'
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "When the criteria are talent, training and eagerness to entertain, there's no faulting the cast of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama's production of 'How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.'"Posted by David at 11/17/2009 02:13:00 PM
Posted by
11:24 PM
Labels: Greenpage
- 14:59 RT @giantspatula: Dear Freshmen: None of you have clear tape. Also, you should lock your drawers. #
- 15:00 Technical Direction I - Change Orders, Invoices, Payment Terms, and Qualifications & Exclusions #
- 16:53 Technical Direction III - Shop time #
- 17:25 Finishing a project from June #
- 18:38 Listening to DP's gripe about a Tuesday before Thanksgiving call - that's been on the board for two months #youpickedalifeoftheatre #
- 18:54 @aerdin is the good sh*t today, yes? #
- 20:18 Greenpage Top Five: bit.ly/5cu3YF #
- 00:29 How do you go from 274kbs to 1.547Mbs? Reboot your modem. #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Price of my Silence
The other night I was at a friend's house with some people. One of them had brought their kid, a fairly above average small boy. This outing is "game-night" and so we'd been playing this game. At the end, the kid helps clean up and becomes enamored with the sound of the air escaping the game box when he closed it. For the next hour or so he took every opportunity to say "box fart" to one of the adults. It was cute and cracking him up.
"Box fart"
In the moment I was trying to figure out what a fair price was to demand from his folks for not explaining to him that there was actually a word for that.
Different kind of box though.
Probably should be worth quite a bit, yes? I swear, its going to be a whole kind of adventure for me, having kids, when the time comes.
Posted by
11:36 PM
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Before and After
Just bought a new pair of shoes. It took a second but I realized I'd picked out exactly the same shoes as the last time. So we have an opportunity for a "Before & After" pic. I think I bought the last pair in May, so this is every day for 6 or 7 months. Not sure if they ought to hold up better than this.
Posted by
6:46 PM
Labels: Shoes
Saturday, November 21, 2009
- 12:06 Studiocraft CAD - Editing Commands #
- 12:29 @sdeutsch its acceptable, but fairly small, and sometimes there are buildings in the way #
- 12:30 @aerdin I was just thinking yesterday "INTERJECTION!" #
- 13:08 Britain's new Internet law -- as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse. bit.ly/3qLzZ2 #
- 18:22 On the bus #
- 18:25 Listing of the Day: An Assistant Scenic Designer job that is honest about all the j ob duties. xrl.us/bgc3p8 (via @backstagejobs) #
- 18:38 Doing advising on the bus: "yes random CMU student, people do minor in drama" #
- 19:42 Waiting for the tree lighting. #
- 20:00 Is it possible that magicians are just fancy prop comics? #
- 20:02 Woohoo: yfrog.com/1eyjcj #
- 20:38 Stuck behind a parade #
- 21:08 Buffalo Blues #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Friday, November 20, 2009
- 19:05 Long time no tweet #
- 19:05 Anyone got a large format scanner they like? #
- 19:05 Slogging through email #
- 19:05 Shoulda done IAPPA #
- 19:06 @bobmoz perhaps a bag of angry bees is in order #
- 19:08 @pegele03 luddite #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
- 12:43 Being interviewed for an SOD promo video #
- 12:44 @scoutfinch2271 not February, not cold. #
- 14:26 Tech Direction I - Commercial Proposals #
- 16:50 Technical Direction III - Flying project, Mechanical Rainstorm - I showed them a dump, but they looked me off #
- 18:13 Production Meetings #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
More Random Photos
So, another bunch of photos from the iPhone.
Last week they installed these things on the main drag in town:Maybe this is a little clearer:
Kinda reminds me of that arch they built in downtown HP all those years ago. The perimeter has light bulbs along it (one that's already out). I wish they'd lit the signage. It's a little dark at night.
I did a side gig this past week. Mrs. TANBI found it for me. Here it is in the shop, pre-paint:And then here it is in the space, carpet option one:
and then carpet option two:
Last there's a picture from my high school girlfriend's birthday party this past weekend:Topic for another day: "Should you be friends at 40 with your high school girlfriend?" (She's not 40 by the way - and I don't think there's anything wrong with being friends).
Posted by
11:10 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Worth a Look
Here are some posts from the Greenpage last week that might be worth your time:
CMU may buy land for $7.5 million
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Carnegie Mellon University is close to completing the purchase of a vacant gasoline service station at 4655 Forbes Ave., Oakland, a deal that will end a three-year dispute with a developer who planned to build a $35 million hotel on the site."Posted by David at 11/10/2009 12:55:00 PM
News: College Accountability, From the Left
Inside Higher Ed: "The Center for American Progress has impeccable credentials for the Obama era. In the same way that the right-leaning Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute had the attention of the Bush administration, the Center for American Progress, headed by the former Clinton confidante John Podesta, is the think tank for the current White House. Time magazine called the center 'Obama's idea factory' after his election last year.Posted by David at 11/10/2009 01:00:00 PM
Which makes the center's new white paper on higher education all the more interesting -- and, perhaps, all the more concerning to some college leaders."
Standards of Education
Theatre Ideas: "I just returned from a quick trip to Illinois to see my stepson, Jake Olbert, perform in Illinois State University's production of Into the Woods. It was a very strong production, marred only by a small amount of directorial tinkering. After the performance Friday night, the show, which was an Associate entry in the American College Theatre Festival, received a 'response' from an ACTF rep from a school down the road."Posted by David at 11/11/2009 04:23:00 PM
Theater of War Uses Sophocles to Help Anguished Soldiers
NYTimes.com: "The ancient Greeks had a shorthand for the mental anguish of war, for post-traumatic stress disorder and even for outbursts of fratricidal bloodshed like last week’s shootings at Fort Hood. They would invoke the names of mythological military heroes who battled inner demons: Achilles, consumed by the deaths of his men; Philoctetes, hollowed out from betrayals by fellow officers; Ajax, warped with so much rage that he wanted to kill his comrades."Posted by David at 11/12/2009 04:08:00 PM
A new language for a new American theater
The Denver Post: "As many theater companies retrench into the economic safety of familiar seasonal fare, Curious Theatre ventures forth into the thrill of the unknown.Posted by David at 11/14/2009 01:17:00 PM
While more than 30 area companies are readying safe, holiday-themed plays, Curious on Saturday opens 'Ameriville,' a form-bending, socially conscious new fusion of spoken-word poetry, hip-hop, jazz, comedy and politics.
'When theater loses the pulse of what its community really needs, that's when I think it has failed,' said Chay Yew, who is directing this piece written and performed by the nationally regarded Bronx-based ensemble Universes."
Posted by
6:19 PM
Labels: Greenpage
- 15:18 Technical Direction I - Commercial Project Management #
- 17:36 Technical Direction III - Work Session #
- 19:02 Wallowing a little. It's ok to wallow a little, yes? #
- 19:02 @scoutfinch2271 that's not a moon... #
- 20:19 Greenpage top five: cmuptm.blogspot.com/2009/11/nftrw-weekly-top-five_16.html #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hey Peg, it's not a "Shorties"... I got a ticket over the weekend and then two days later saw another person do exactly the same thing in the same place and not get a ticket - unfair... The good guys lost and I wasn't watching, so I guess it was my fault... I have to do a video interview for the school website this week, I wonder if I can convince them to get an actor to portray me instead... That Sarah Palin, she's special... I have once again fallen pretty far behind in my grading, I am sure no reader here is surprised... Although it is not yet Thanksgiving I will admit to thinking about holiday presents... Given a choice of assignments my seniors picked the absolutely hardest possible choice, I am not sure if that's confidence or insanity... I'm glad I returned the side job truck early, the client decided to keep the scenery... They went and canceled Dollhouse, yet another show where I don't understand why Fox doesn't just ship it off to FX... I was going to go to a seminar on using social media in teaching this week but something came up... The Mayor wants to tax tuition 1%, my students want to know why they should pay more than Pitt students just because our tuition is higher. They have a reasonable point actually... I culled some RSS feeds today, probably need to delete another dozen or so (but I added one too, oops)... I guess I ought to be thinking about the content for classes next semester - all SEVEN of them. Damn... I wonder if Windows Seven means its time to buy a new computer... I realized a couple of days ago that I bought the tools I've been coveting, I need a new target for obsession... I was the voice of doom today, I do a good doom... For all practical purposes there are two weeks left in the semester, that went quick... Personally I think that Belichick made the right call going for it...
Posted by
11:32 PM
Labels: Ellipses
Sunday, November 15, 2009
- 13:50 I appear to have lost my tape measure #
- 21:18 Bounce U. Warrendale. bit.ly/kDopL #
- 21:18 @giantspatula me too #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Saturday, November 14, 2009
- 07:44 Too early. Shoulda charged more. #
- 07:44 @aerdin nemacolin #
- 13:22 Done done done #
- 20:14 Game Night #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Friday, November 13, 2009
- 11:47 DMV strangly simple today #
- 14:54 Overcome by impulse purchases #
- 15:32 @giantspatula I have cookies turned off #
- 15:33 RT @Mboevers: #WeCoolAndAllBut you can no longer start projects that have an end of the year deadline. That window is shut. #
- 15:33 RT @SenArlenSpecter: I believe there will be a health care bill, and I believe it will have a public option. bit.ly/3UhmhT #
- 15:34 RT @bpeoples: Hey production lighting folks, I have some questions for you if you h ave a few minutes: bit.ly/4G3RDx #
- 18:31 Painting #
- 19:07 Faculty meeting #
- 22:01 Truck packed. Hope it stays packed. #
- 00:21 Probably forgetting something, hoping the gnomes catch it #
Posted by
5:02 AM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Worth a Look
Here are some posts from the Greenpage the past week that could be worth your time:
Composers consider unionization
Variety: "The Society of Composers & Lyricists was scheduled to announce at its annual membership meeting Tuesday night that an 'informational meeting' about the possibility of affiliating with Teamsters Local 399 will be held Nov. 16 at the Pickwick Gardens Conference Center in Burbank, Calif."Posted by David at 11/03/2009 03:50:00 PM
Healthcare still a scare in Hollywood
Variety: "One anxiety runs deeper in Hollywood than awards season, weekend boxoffice, primetime ratings or even the recent studio shakeups: Retaining health care benefits."Posted by David at 11/03/2009 03:53:00 PM
Developer scraps Oakland hotel plan, sells property to CMU
Pittsburgh Business Times:: "Museum Park Hotel LP, a partnership led by developer Brinton Motheral which has been working to develop a new hotel on a former gas station in Pittsburgh's Oakland neighborhood, has decided to drop the plan and sell its property to its biggest neighbor and opponent of its project, Carnegie Mellon University."Posted by David at 11/03/2009 03:59:00 PM
More Showbiz Jobs Move To Louisiana
Deadline.com: "Pixel Magic today announced a new digital media studio at LITE in Lafayette. It could create 40 direct new jobs in 3 years. 'Pixel Magic is a great example of the kind of companies we hoped to position Louisiana to secure when we strengthened Louisiana's film production and digital interactive media tax credits during the last legislative session,' said Gov. Bobby Jindal."Posted by David at 11/06/2009 02:56:00 PM
Costume and practice: new suits for Riverdance duo
The IPKat: "Ireland's Sunday Business Post reports that Riverdance duo Moya Doherty and John McColgan are being sued by fashion designer Jen Kelly for using his designs without permission; Kelly is also reported to be seeking royalties on Riverdance's profits."Posted by David at 11/06/2009 02:57:00 PM
Posted by
4:21 PM
Labels: Greenpage
- 10:25 Oops, Federal holiday. Poor production planning. #
- 12:17 I could swear I was just here #
- 15:32 Technical Direction I - More Professor Abram: Router 101 #
- 16:50 Technical Direction III - Work Time #
- 21:43 HT$ Tech #
- 23:16 Complete stop in the sq hill tunnel. Doesn't bode well. #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
- 11:40 I'm supposed to be someplace, but I don't know where it is. #
- 11:44 RT @ESTAtweets: Ordr yr Stgecrft Mailing List Calendar: www.estafoundation.org/bts/events/StagecraftCalendar/StagecraftCalendar.htm #
- 11:46 @bpeoples when your top two industries are tax-exempt there just may have to be a change of paradigm #
- 11:46 ooh, now I know where I am supposed to be #
- 13:42 Reinventing the wheel #
- 17:32 Congrats BM acWood, Ray Smith Professor of Drama #
- 22:46 That CDX dresses up pretty nice once you add 1/4 Maso #
- 23:04 Catch my sister on The Good Wife #
- 23:48 HT$ Tech #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
- 14:56 RT @WDUQ_News: Mayor delivers $454 million dollar budget that includes a 1% tax on college tuition. #
- 14:58 Tech Direction 1 - Norm & Table Saw 101 #
- 15:24 @bpeoples you can learn a lot from TV #
- 15:24 @thespophile not that Norm #
- 16:48 sidejobs are a necessary evil #
- 19:14 Technical Direction III - Mechanical Rainstorm Projecty #
- 20:09 Greenpage weekly Top 5: bit.ly/2UtjqJ #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Monday, November 09, 2009
- 09:54 Earliest work day all week. :-/ #
- 09:55 admissions interviews #
- 11:16 Anne: Did you just make that up? David: No, it;'s from Star Trek #
- 15:34 No Steelers? Again? What a ripoff #
- 00:49 I'd like to order another helping of Sunday please, keep the Monday hot for me - I'll get to it. #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Sunday, November 08, 2009
- 16:45 Saturday, at work, who's idea was this career anyway? #
- 20:53 Going to the theatre, even though I can sleep at home for free. #
- 20:54 @aerdin city theatre #
- 00:50 Coulda sworn there was a moment lifted from TOS: The Alternative Factor in the show tonight #
- 00:51 @aerdin saw the other show #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Saturday, November 07, 2009
- 15:07 @aerdin I break Outlook at least once every other day #
- 15:08 Studiocraft I - OSNAPs, Point Filters, Coordinates, Surveying Project #
- 15:09 But you have to drive all the way to Robinson: bit.ly/2jWrK2 #
- 15:12 Yesterday I got re-re-tweeted. That's almost famous, yes? #
- 15:53 Congrats Marcy! bit.ly/4xbvJP #
- 19:36 Bringing back the Mechanical Rainstorm project. Finger's crossed. #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Friday, November 06, 2009
- 12:05 Note to freelancers: likely not going to hire you if your cell is disconnected #
- 14:23 Pushing against the wind. #
- 18:09 SRC Meeting - Splitting hairs #
- 19:46 Dinner from Newell-Simon, haven't been in there in years #
- 22:16 @aerdin the same #
- 22:17 HT$ Tech #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Thursday, November 05, 2009
- 14:37 Tech Direction I - Newsquiz, "Hello Superman", "Go Faster" #
- 15:06 As my order was ready when I got to the counter, I believe I am now a regular at goat. I should know the guy's name if we're that close. #
- 15:14 @fmsimmons coming to the dark side? #
- 20:17 enough #
Posted by
5:05 AM
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
- 14:19 I must have more pressing matters to attend to #
- 16:23 meetings meetings meetings #
- 18:03 SRC Meeting #
- 18:04 Option Coordinator meeting #
- 21:25 How is it I so often get to the end of my day - or what by all rights SHOULD be the end of my day - with not a clue what I will do tomorrow? #
- 21:49 HTS Tech #
- 01:37 I said there must be seven ways, but I can only really think of two. #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Worth a Look
Here are some posts from the Greenpage last week that might be worth a look:
'What show did you see?' How performances vary night to night
chicagotribune.com: "This just in: Theater shows change from night to night.Posted by David at 10/30/2009 05:30:00 PM
I was reminded of this obvious but oft-underappreciated fact in New York last week. In that town, critics see shows on three or four press nights. I saw the new 'Brighton Beach Memoirs' on the same night as the little group of New York critics I trust. When I read all the reviews a couple of days later, I found different emphases and varieties of tone, of course, but I had almost exactly the same view of the strengths and weaknesses of the show. I saw another Broadway show, 'Memphis,' on a different night and didn't feel that way at all."
Yale School of Drama Announces New Projection Design Concentration
Lighting&Sound America Online - News: "Yale School of Drama (James Bundy, dean; Victoria Nolan, deputy dean) will offer a new concentration in projection design under Wendall Harrington, within the design department (Ming Cho Lee, Stephen Strawbridge, co-chairs) beginning in the fall of 2010, the first such course of graduate theatre training in the United States."Posted by David at 10/27/2009 06:05:00 PM
CALL FOR DESIGNERS, ARTISTS & TECHNOLOGISTS: Let’s Create an Art & Tech Corridor at this Year’s 3 Rivers Arts Festival
Pittsburgh Art + Technology: "This year is a brand new year for the Three Rivers Arts Festival. Under new management, the folks at the festival have asked us for a proposal to infuse leading edge technology into the art show this June."Posted by David at 10/28/2009 02:33:00 PM
IATSE vs Bloomberg News’ (and others) bias.
Backstage at BackstageJobs.com: "A recent article in Bloomberg.com revealed that the top 5 IATSE stagehands at Carnegie Hall made an average of $430,543, with the Prop Master earning $530,044. These are high amounts to pretty much anyone. What is not mentioned in the original article [though I could swear it was at first] is the fact that these stagehands are working an average of 80 hours per week. All the pay over 40 hours each week would be paid at time-and-a-half, or double time. This does not include instances where meal or other break related penalties might have come into play, including during the first 8 hours of the day or 40 hours in the week."Posted by David at 10/30/2009 05:39:00 PM
Letting Your Grad Student Go
Post Gazette: "WHEN Sheila Natbony sent her daughter, Jessica, off to college, she took to calling her each morning before class, a wake-up exchange that eased her concerns that, yes, her daughter had made it home the night before. The routine seeped into graduate school. 'My mom would call to remind me of an early class, an early exam,' says Miss Natbony, now 22 and in her second year at Georgetown Law."Posted by David at 11/01/2009 04:36:00 PM
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: Greenpage
- 15:18 @aerdin nonononono #
- 15:19 Technical Direction I - Working with Paints (digest version "Don't be a dick") #
- 15:28 @aerdin pic.gd/196daa #
- 17:21 Technical Direction III - Choose the Form of the Destructor #
- 18:42 pic.gd/5de185 #
- 21:24 The eclectic food combinations of Hokkaido #
- 23:13 Weekly Greenpage Top 5: bit.ly/3azHWw #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Monday, November 02, 2009
- 14:26 Combatting a leafy insurgency. #
- 16:39 Probably just purchased the last toolbox I ever will purchase: yfrog.com/9eyoaj happy birthday to me #
- 17:30 insurgency put down, garage pacified #
- 20:22 Methinks we'll see greenpage hit 100,000 tomorrow #
Posted by
5:01 AM
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Some Random Photos
All these leaves are gone now, but it looked nice for a while.
Card wrap-up, thanks for all the cards!
I think it's very much possible I have bought my last toolbox.
Jessica loves lobsters, so this was a natural gift for them:
Did you know that the Cavaliers are Pittsburgh's NBA team? That's what they kep saying at the pre-season game we saw at Pitt. Shaq and Lebron well excellent.
Wasn't me:
That thing, the one buried under the cut, it appears to be gone:
They've just about buttoned up the Pausch Bridge, with lighting by C&C.
Posted by
7:04 PM
- 14:40 Coffee at the Fire Escape #
- 16:23 @aerdin they are having a "sneak peek" today and then opening next week #
- 16:24 RT @mattigray: Best Coffee in Pittsburgh? The Fire Escape in Ben Avon. AMAZING. Great job Mel & David! #
- 19:11 looks fairly clear that we're going to have leftover candy #
- 19:16 Coroline during trick or treating and then BSG The Plan for after #
- 22:58 The Plan is the story of the Ones - kinda cool, but nothing Earthshattering #
- 22:59 Preparing to fall back #
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5:01 AM