Sunday, April 04, 2010


Add USITT to the things I need to write an actual post about... If you're not careful it does seem like a roto-tiller could take off your foot... I wasn't watching, but I appear to have missed spring... Chapel is nicer to sit next to on a plane than Kevin... I came home from the conference to a new bedroom set, if that were a more regular occurrence it could get fairly expensive... Futurama really is a good tv show. I hope the new ones live up to the old ones... I found a new Jesse Stone book, I think I'll read it this week. Nobody asked, but I think there's plenty of content for people with small BA programs... Was really nice to see all those people I so rarely see last week... If you won't loan your truck you will wind up running errands for others... Its fairly clear that the cats missed me while I was away... I think I would have rather had the next Caprica Friday rather than SGU starting up again... I wonder what the state of the mainstage is... I wonder if I started a fund to raise money to move to the house we want if people would contribute. Probably not... Several days and no panicked calls from the tax guy. Maybe I did it right... I am old and can no longer drink for two nights in a row; or maybe I just need more practice... So far the FIOS is seeming like a good call, but I think maybe we are missing the movie channels - maybe I should start a fund for cable too... There are four weeks of class left! I wonder when that happened... I didn't buy an iPad. I likely won't buy an iPad, but I wouldn't turn down a free iPad... Comparing criticism of the Church for covering sexual abuse to the historical persecution of the Jews might not be a winning strategy... So far I have watched zero NCAA Tournament games. I'd wager it will remain that way... Time to get my June figured out. If you're expecting something from me in June please let me know... I am Bender, please insert girder...

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