Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We didn't sell the Chicago house the first day it was on the market, big surprise... If you've got ideas for Tech Direction projects for this semester my ears are open... I really wish someone would resurrect LoudTwitter... This makes the fifth year for "The Crazy Scheme" at work. I guess maybe it's not so crazy anymore... Really nobody seems to be using AIM anymore, I wonder if seeing it on my monitor makes me look old to people... Really I think they could just go back to making The West Wing like they have with Futurama... We officially now have a "basement cat." She's black too like the ones you see on the internetz. We won't have her for much longer I think... I tried backing up this computer with one of those snazzy external hard drives. Problem is, I can't be sure it worked. Seems like it missed some stuff... At least once a day these days I find myself thinking "Dad won't be calling"... I watched another Rubicon. After three episodes I still don't know if it is going to make the cut in our house... They've torn up the sidewalk all around Warner Hall. When they did it I guessed it was because the roof was leaking on the offices below. Turns out I was right... The reason I was backing up the computer is that a little over two weeks ago it bricked, then yesterday it just started up again; too spooky for me... I think that the radio guys here in town will never run out of things to say about the Steelers. It's endearing... I might be going into Goodwill withdrawal. Maybe tomorrow I will take something from my closet here... Like 14 days ago I said I needed 20 more days of A game before I could lose it - so if there's anything you need me to do I'd shoot for the next couple of days...

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