Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I went to buy a hat today and then left the store without the hat... My new home office doesn't have enough surface space for me, I hope the next home office has more... Nobody uses AIM anymore... Pretty much turned my clock upside down this week, definitely not early to bed, early to rise... Got a few things to do for work, should get to doing them... How on Earth do I make these magazines stop coming, I've canceled them and yet they keep showing up... If we'd gone East for the holiday we'dve been traveling home today, but probably not I think... That Family Guy "It's A Trap" video? Wait and stream it on Netflix. They phoned it in a little bit... Thinking about retaking the greenpage. I miss being up to speed... Really it is too bad that the eco-friendly counter top options are so much more expensive than the less environmentally friendly ones... I thought by this point in the break I would have been to the movies like half a dozen times and yet so far zero movies... We still have five cats. It looked for a while like for sure it would be 4, but its still 5... I wonder if the guy plowed the driveway in Chicago... Using the Wii and streaming Netflix to finally see the Dollhouse episodes I missed. Fox really fumbled that one... The Steelers game on Thursday night and the holiday have totally munged up my calendar sense... I told USITT I would do a poster session on project assignments for student TDs, now I'm not so sure it was a good idea... The P key on my keyboard is now intermittent, makes for some percussive typing... I'm not sure I understand why running 24 hours of Star Wars makes sense for the holiday, but then I don't understand a lot of decisions surrounding the holiday season - but I thought the green Knicks jerseys were cute...

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