Monday, January 10, 2011

You Can Go With This... Or You Can Go With That


Or That:

Which do you think is more appropriate for publication?


Anonymous said...

guess it depends on what it's for? What kind of weight can you really put on 1/4" maso? Or is that just to collect extra line?

David said...

"what is it for?" doesn't really argue for one or the other, that's more of "if."

In this particular case that question is moot since it's what we did for the project in question - which was a really light weight drop. For that particular case the question would be "Which will fail first, a square of 1/4" maso or a grommet in Tyvek?"

And I don't know because we never pulled it to failure.

This is a writeup for the Tech Expo, and I think for the display we'll actually load test the arrangement.

Anonymous said...


David said...

I sent it, but then I waffled and sent the other - couldn't live with it.

It does seem like an interesting aesthetic though. Maybe it would be fun to do a book where all the figures were rendered on a whiteboard and photographed.

Anonymous said...

would you mind explaining a little more how it was used (please)?

David said...

sure, new post.

Brian said...

It looks like the tail goes behind the masonite in the picture, but it front of the masonite in the drawing. Perhaps there is something else I am missing, otherwise I would think that the tail would hang straight down from the center of the masonite and not off to the side as it appears

David said...

In fact it does go behind in the photo, or rather the photo and the drawing aren't showing the same path at all.

In order to get the cleat to sit flat and to not have the line double over itself (and be real confusing in the photo) I took some liberties with the set up. It's one of the reasons why in the end I opted for the drawing.