Here are a few posts from last week's Greenpage that might be worth your time:
Inspector General Released
Glorious Wreckage: "My playwriting mentor Dennis Reardon once wrote that adaptors are like the Rosie Ruizes of playwriting. Rosie Ruiz, you may recall, was that marathon runner who entered the 1980 Boston Marathon from a crowd of spectators half a mile from the finish line and then claimed to have run the whole thing, setting all kinds of world records.
The Creativity Killer: Group Discussions
The Atlantic: "Creative collaboration requires disciplined teamwork. And this kind of teamwork requires knowing when not to work in teams. This sounds obvious, but we constantly struggle with the belief that we must be inclusive to succeed. When to diverge and when to converge: that is the question.
Michael Murphy discusses plans for tuition
The Tartan Online: "Carnegie Mellon will raise tuition by 4 percent for incoming students and 3 percent for returning students for the Fall 2011 semester. Housing and dining rates will also be increased by 3.97 percent and 2.47 percent, respectively. The total cost of attendance is expected to rise by 4.24 percent for new students and 3.45 percent for current students.
Energy Independence Act of 2007 – Clarification
Backstage at "Here is what is being phased out between the years of 2012 and 2014: Incandescent bulbs that produce 310 – 2600 lumens of light. In general, this means bulbs less than 40W or more than 150W. However, check your favorite bulb’s packaging to see if you’re affected. If you’re favorite bulb’s packaging doesn’t indicate lumens, find another brand. There are exceptions; appliance lamps (stupid exception), “rough service” (whatever that means), 3 way bulbs (Who still has these?) colored lamps (your Spencer’s cheap “blacklight” bulbs are spared) and plant lights (no comment).Why Christopher Nolan is taking Batman to the rustbelt "Underneath the gritty charm depicted in productions such as Wonder Boys, Flashdance, and the American version of Queer as Folk, there's also the lurking fear contained in the work of the city's best-known director, George A Romero, whose locally shot films include Night of the Living Dead and Martin, about a Pittsburgh-area grocery bag boy convinced that he is a vampire.
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