Monday, August 08, 2011


My inlaws have one cat. That's so many fewer than five... Hotel Internet is not fond of HBOGO. Too bad for the hotel Internet... Better to get a flat at the end of a trip than in the middle... When they downgrade the credit of a nation, do they downgrade the credit of everyone in that nation? Seems like it only follows... This page is down to a very, very few hits per week. It might be time to pull the plug... A ten game losing streak doesn't do much for your playoff plans... Gonna have to get me a Gotham Rouges jersey... With a couple of weeks left until the first day of class I am already being reminded of some of my least favorite things about my job... Driving through Ohio you'd never know their governor was being so difficult... I think maybe the movies tonight. Sounds like Cowboys and Aliens... I fixed the security settings on someone else's home network yesterday. While doing so I may have discovered that their low speed was due to their accidentally stealing a neighbor's Internet... So far all the Sodastream flavors have been very acceptable... All of my friends who are lawyers, please stop what you are doing and run for office... If you were buying a new laptop and had a choice of 2 gig or 4 gig, what would you do? I tend to go big or go home... I still haven't read that hardback I bought ages ago. I should do that... Still trying to get used to Evernote. Now it seems like just another place for things to accumulate... Really I thought Squish would have gone through with the marriage and that Mary would have turned her around and walk her back in...


a. wells said...

I read. But I don't think that RSS feeds show up as hits on your blog. That being said, I could be wrong.

David said...

RSS doesn't come up. I should find a way to track that.