Friday, September 21, 2012


Seems to me like everyone on the internet got to see the space shuttle today except for me... I know Romney is getting pummeled over that 47% thing but I think he didn't really say what he meant. He was talking about all the people that were never going to vote for him... I guess I wasn't paying attention to my fantasy team. I hope I played good people this week. I hope the people I played are playing this week... There was a guy holding a hostage downtown this morning but I pretty much missed it. My media consumption is decidedly not local... Getting ready to run out of town. I wonder if my hotel has a hot tub... DId you see the Simpsons trailer? Voter suppression, tax returns, Obamacare, death panels, Foxcon - pretty dense satire... Really, really enjoying the bluetooth keyboard for the tablet, added a whole new dimension of utility to the device... I tried to watch some of the MA Senate debate the other night, but it got so chippy right from the top I had to stop... Obama is for redistribution of wealth. Isn't "supply side" also distribution of wealth. That's what "trickle down" is all about. The difference is one way we give the money to the 1% and they give it to the 99% as spending and investment. The other way we give the money to the 99% directly - without the filter of the oligarchy... The email I am getting would suggest that the Democrats have relaxed on the White House and are now setting their sights on making gains in Congress. That's what I would have done from the start... How is it possible I haven't bought the new Melissa Etheridge album? I think it has something to do with the nature of digital media...

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