Friday, February 15, 2013


Mrs. TANBI got me a Valentine's present. She's pretty awesome...Trying hard to get the kids to keep up the Tumblr. It isn't easy... It is pretty sad how low the bar has gotten for legislation. Issues of great importance deserve more than just a vote... I miss my Vegas apartment laundry, when I used the washer as a hamper: when it fills up just add soap and turn it on... The weather this February is really just incomprehensible... It is beginning to look a lot like I didn't leave enough time in the ScenoFab syllabus for student presentations. I'll have to start looking for places to make it up... We've only been planning for about a year, but I think we might actually be ready to pull the trigger on setting up the home office... I need to establish some sort of way to capture blog ideas. For a while I thought that's what these posts were for... Well it is official, I am missing things at work. Guess I just don't have the bandwidth I used to... I think it would be extra special if they did pick Bono to be Pope, and it's not because I bet on him... Bering Sea Gold must have caused a bunch of people to turn up to dive the following year. This season they added a pretty scary disclaimer to the end... Seems like each state that legalizes same sex marriage the story gets a little less hype. Maybe that's how it should be... Wondering if we should become fans of the Pittsburgh Women's Football team. There are probably tickets available and when they play it isn't nearly as cold... I need to put together a concert rigging package: truss, motors, distro, the works. Let me know if you think you know how much money I need and what I ought to include... Almost missed the podcast this week. I think it's happening tomorrow. We'll see...

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