Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Nothing better than to look at the schedule and see there's a guest (one that you've already booked)...  Got myself some new business cards.  I am 82% satisfied...  Wondering what would happen if we put that recently repaired art project in the dishwasher.  Going to continue wondering...  Guess it was a good thing to have not already got myself a Kindle...  Post Option Coordinator email count?  Markedly reduced...  If they decide they can't target the chemical weapons and they won't target the leader, I'm not sure they have anything left to target...  If Homeland returns before I watch a single Ray Donovan on the DVR I think I'll forgo the latter...  Fantasy Football draft tomorrow night.  Now accepting draft advice...  Going to have to figure out how to get my insurance to deduct a payment I made myself from my deductible...  First day of new parking permits and I took the bus in and walked home...  Really liking my Pebble watch.  Would like it even more if it could do even more...  Just can't get me enough American Ninja Warrior...  Been really free with the Amazon spending lately.  Might have to reset the governor - and turn off that "one click" button...  Working on a new morning routine.  It involves smoothies and the prior night's MSNBC highlights...  Slowly but surely remembering all of my Greenpage tricks...  Congress is upset that he's having them vote, although Congress would also be upset if he weren't having them vote...  Looking to really boost the TUMBLR traffic.  Not sure how...  Next home project is closet kits.  Every project can't be the coolest...  Got a nice shout out from my boss at the opening get together and some nice emails from a couple of colleagues.  Nice to be appreciated...  Someday I will learn to spell "colleagues."  It will take longer because of spell check...  I shouldn't, but I think I like the new Pittsburgh parking meters...  We mean it this time: We're looking for new homes for THREE of our cats.  If you know anyone looking for a pet, please shoot me a message...

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