Saturday, October 16, 2004

Budgeting Phase

So work on the ACME Fiance Trap continues. I sat down with the drawing today and did a little estimating:

Being that I will be out of town next week (there may be an entire week without updates - gasp!) I figured if I am going to get this done I will have to job it out. I ran the project through an old spreadsheet and came up with a price just South of $7100. I'm not sure I have that kind of money to spend on this project. Even if I was able to get the inside rate, it would still be more than $5000. So I'm not sure its going to happen.

Plus, after reviewing the idea with my project manager hat on I've discovered a couple of significant problems. The first problem is that there is no food, and no "facilities" in the laundry room. So if the trap activated while I was not home, Marisa could get real hungry, or have to make an embarrassing mess. The second problem, and this could be more fundamental, the trap will place a steel gate between us with me on the wrong side and being that she has been locked in the laundry room she may not want to see me when I get there.

I think I am going to have to rethink the whole plan from the beginning.

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