Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm kinda glad I'm not one of those Potter people. They all seem a little disappointed in the latest... You know what I want? I want a judge who can say "Yes, I have opinions and biases just like every other person in the world. When I decide cases I follow the law, the evidence, and the argument. That's the job." Just a thought... I am really not ready for my class on Monday and Tuesday. Still what doesn't kill us makes us stronger... Who do you think 310-678-9428 is? They didn't leave a message... I don't think I needed social elements to Google reader. I mean, I like that people can share items, but I don't need to "follow" anyone, and I really don't need the "like" feature - I thought that's what sharing was for... I graded my first set of papers for the summer, and immediately got the second group. Those will probably take longer... It was disheartening to hear that after all this time a fear of bank runs is still not so much unfounded... That commercial they're running to keep people from supporting a public health care option - the one with the G-Man standing between the doctor and the patient - the other guys should remake it *exactly* with the guy in the middle being an insurance exec... After a second Warehouse 13 I am still not excited, Ironman Armored Adventures - now that's another story... Apparently several travel destinations are pretty much giving it away. Maybe we'll go someplace neat mid-August. Who wants to go with? Send me a message... I finally ordered the automation gear for work. The delivery date got pushed back somewhat dramatically... Just about two weeks until the 2009 Dino Workshop. I hope it's fun again... I am excelling at procrastination. I think I might go pro...

1 comment:

Katy said...

How do you find out about these "travel destinations... pretty much giving it away"? Is there a super-secret email list? A cool website? Clue a restless girl in!