Shortened week with the holiday, but still some interesting pieces: gender bias, cool U2 screen...
Photos from originating sites.ETCP Launches Web-Based Practice Exams
Backstage at "The Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) will launch practice exams for the rigger - arena, rigger - theatre, and entertainment electrician certification exams on July 15. The web-based practice exams will consist of 50 questions and are available from that date forward for $35 at Candidates should go to “candidates” and then follow the menu to ETCP, where can they choose one of the three exams."Gender Bias in Theatre — Digging a Little Deeper
Women & Hollywood: "Usually an undergraduate thesis does not warrant a couple of hundred people showing up to hear the results. But this was no average thesis and Glassberg Sands is no average undergrad. This young woman is seriously impressive and was advised by Cecilia Rouse who is now working for the Obama administration and is the co-author with Claudia Goldin of Harvard of the famous study Orchestrating Impar-tiality: The Impact of ‘Blind’ Auditions on Female Musicians about how blind auditions increases women making it out of auditions by 50%."
Julia Jordan Introduction to Opening The Curtain of Playwright Gender
Women & Hollywood: "We had statistics that showed that the ratio of male to female writers being produced in New York was more than four to one. That all male seasons were commonplace, while all female seasons were unheard of. Primary Stages is the first theater to have programmed an all female season that I know of… that is at a theater which doesn’t have the mission to exclusively produce women. Though the conversation at the townhall was lively and positive, not much was actually concluded. The theaters asserted that there was a low number of female written scripts worthy of production and the writers charged discrimination pure and simple."Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview
Stepcase Lifehack: "If you are going for an interview as a prospective employee then you should do some research. Read the job description and requirements carefully. Browse the web site to see how the organization presents itself. Search for news items and comments about the company on news sites and blogs.
For the interview itself you should dress smartly and appropriately. It is important to have some questions prepared and here are a few that could really help"Hoberman's Transformable Screen for the U2 360 Tour
Core77: "Hoberman Associates has teamed up with Innovative Designs to create the Expanding Video Screen, a transformable elliptical screen for the U2 360° Tour. Based on Hoberman's patented Iris structure, this 'fusion of architecture, stage scenery and extreme technology' stretches upwards to form a 7-story cone around the band, displaying footage directed by the Irish artist Catherine Owens."Captioned performances at Trinity Repertory
SRI at Home: "Good news for anyone who’s enthusiasm for the theatre has been curbed by deteriorating hearing.
The Trinity Repertory Company has been successful in securing the funding necessary to provide open captioning for its performances in Providence, according to a mailing list for The Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf & Hard of Hearing."L.A. Jumping Through Hoops to Save Cirque
Los Angeles Business Journal Online: "The Los Angeles city government is stepping in to help save plans for a reconstruction of the Kodak Theatre so the home of the Oscars can accommodate Cirque du Soleil’s 10-year Hollywood-themed show.
L.A. developer CIM Group, which co-owns and operates the Kodak at Hollywood & Highland, is seeking a $30 million loan from the city to replace a private financing deal that collapsed in the capital market meltdown."Views: Dear Plagiarist
Inside Higher Ed: "When you got your paper back with a grade of F for plagiarism, you reacted in predictable fashion -- with indignant denial of any wrongdoing. You claimed “you cited everything” and denied that you had committed intentional plagiarism, or ever would."Accessibility and the Arts
The White House: "Instead, these legendary arts institutions came to the White House to discuss accessibility to their institutions for people with disabilities. Such is the influence of the President, who has repeatedly affirmed his commitment to ensuring the inclusion of Americans with disabilities throughout the fabric of our country."
What Is a Master’s Degree Worth? "How do students know if an M.A. is worth it or not? What degrees might be worth getting, and which are not? How does a student weigh the risks and benefits of taking that intermediate step in higher education?"
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