So, seeing today's pictures really makes me feel like k-rap about missing crits this semester. Truth be told I do some of my best work over these days normally. I could have used that this time around. But there will be more in the spring, and the semester after that, and so on. Still, can't help but feel like I am missing out on something.
Tina continues her intrepid reporting. I'll stifle my comments today.
Kevin – newly declared SM/PM, for whom the sun didn’t come out until after mid-semester but is working on better weather next term.

Julianna – who is searching for the right place...

Alex – who found out how bookbinding will make him a better TD.

Candace – is now a part-time PM but still has a seriously arty crit board..

Maddie – who has found her dream job, one that combines performance, management and motorcycles.

Kelli – new SM/PM who has already made friends with the new head of the school.

Matt – a double-focus TD/LD, who actually expressed a desire to take Wolf’s Colon again.

Derek – who’s revolutionizing the sport of foosball (and demonstrated how to a packed room).

Michael ‘Rico’ – who had analogies about questionable-weight gorillas and sticks in certain places to show his progress this semester.

Naomi – who balanced scene painting and budgets, and reports she had a rough semester, although it’s hard to tell.

Harriet – who learned to make databases and shoot guns, all in the line of duty, and recommends history classes to everyone.

Everyone have a great weekend.