Welcome to Friday Semester Reviews.
AM Session:
Elize, intrepid PM/SM......I am right out of pithy sayings.
Candace, multitasking PM/Scene Designer...... my that's a lot of stuff.
Danielle, grad1 SM...... who is going to run out of green first.
Naomi, stylish TD...... with an affinity for the PacMan font.
Bryan, TD with a tie...... and that's a winch, for winching.
And lastly Joe, newly minted PM/LD...... blazing the Holcomb track.
PM Session:
-there were no declared PTM students in the PM session-
Hey Candace, what's up with that?
More semester reviews photos Monday.
I feel deprived of pith.
That's the thing with pith - there's just never any around when you need it.
Next time, I promise.
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