Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Here's Where all the PTM People Were Hiding

Last round of crits - Senior glory lap. For the first time in my memory there were more graduating PTM students than Design - who knew? Also, looks like I missed Derek's pic while he was playing with his machine - if someone has one, please shoot me a copy.

Beginning with Rico...

... off to New York to do festivals and then intern in a Producing office.

Then Derek (who should not have let me be his Facebook friend)...

... Derek is off to Lexington Scenic to do some project management.

Then there's Ryan...

... who will be joining Matt and Avery at Tait Towers.

And then Aaron...

... who is also off to Lititz, PA and Tait Towers.

Next up is Sarah...

... LA bound job seeking PM/SM.

And then Harriet...

... job seeking PM/SM who would like some info on the upcoming Cirque production in Chicago.

Next up is Maddie...

... opportunity seeking PM/SM who hasn't made the call on the next move yet.

And rounding out the class is Alex...

... graduating TD who is off to Williamstown for the summer, and will figure it out from there.

Congrats to everyone on finishing up. You should be very proud of all of the work you've done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really great PTM class this year. I met all of them while they were out here on the west coast and they're an impressive bunch!
