I guess I didn't really get too far upping the posting tempo... We have an unplanned two week gap between summer camp and school. Oops. Gonna have to come up with some programming... The military wind down on TV is really hard to watch... I have a new boss again, the third in two years. Things here at the SOD have been a little turbulent... While we were briefly away the neighbor cut down a whole bunch of trees on the property line I really wanted cut down. There's a bonus... We're watching "The Rook" on Starz. So far it is really engaging. Anything on that channel that isn't "Outlander" is a bonus... The boy swam every day at camp this summer and you can really see the difference watching him in a pool - even if he didn't get to their deep water test... I do not appear to be able to grill chicken without giving it a healthy char. Perhaps that's a skill I should develop... We have seven days until classes start. I have a lot to do in the next seven days... The Steelers are 3-0 so far in the pre-season. I am remembering they were like 6-0 last year in the regular season. That 3-0 probably doesn't mean much... I read a book called "Binti" last week. It was pretty decent. I think I got the title off a list to expand the kind of author I was reading. It seems like a worthwhile exercise... Our PTM Welcome Back Party got cancelled/postponed over Delta concerns. It was the right call but still kinda sucks. I'm waiting to hear about the full SOD Welcome Back Party now... It looks like Delta is also going to put the kibosh on any bus commuting for the time being. I hope DR is OK with my bike in the hallway... I shouldn't be allowed to do home repairs. After I finish them I spend a lot of energy concerned the repair will fail. It almost never happens but that doesn't change my response... After searching for a new trunk organizer I settled on a milk crate - a snazzy collapsible milk crate, but still a milk crate. I'm a little bummed the new car doesn't have much in the way of hidden storage... This is traditionally the week we race to finish class materials before the copier breaks. For a couple semesters I haven't done any hard copy and haven't had to deal with the copier. I think I'll make that a tradition...
Sunday, August 22, 2021
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9:18 PM
Labels: Ellipses
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Well, here we go again: PPS changed the first day of school adding a two week delay... I used to really think storms were cool. Then I bought a house... Getting used to driving the new car, but I still think I need lessons on how to work everything... I haven't been bringing my office stuff back to my office yet. I guess there's still part of me that wonders whether we're really coming back in person... If anyone has a source for in-stock N95 or KN95 masks sized for children I would really appreciate knowing about it... My office computer monitor has become intermittent. I wonder if leaving it unused for the better part of a year has anything to do with it... If I had to choose between the reconciliation infrastructure bill or the For the People Act I would pick the latter over the former. Guess we'll have to watch and see... I watched The Suicide Squad on HBOMAX. I think it is better than the earlier film, but I still think they haven't quite figured out what to do with that content... I still haven't archived my 2021 documents. There's part of me that still feels like we're just finishing up the 2019-2020 summer... The news out of Afghanistan is really unfortunate... I really hit a home project hard in June but I slowed down a lot in July. I've pretty much just stopped here in August. I should get back on it... I also took on a writing project in June. I made a little dent at the beginning but really hit the skids after that. That one needs a jump start too... I like the idea of Pluto TV. It is nice to have TNG and Classic Who on tap, but it really seems like the Who titles are significantly limited and the TNG episodes have this annoying habit of backing up 15 minutes. It is really unwatchable... I really hope we don't wind up with a PA version of the AZ "fraudit." We really don't need that... The bike is proving hard to park at work. Popular consensus is you shouldn't lock up and leave an e-bike outside, but finding a spot in Purnell is difficult... Did you see there was a football game last week? I wasn't ready for football yet. Here we go...
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5:53 PM
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