Friday, November 26, 2010

Late Night Ellipses...

Even though I laughed a lot, I think maybe the Futurama Holiday Special could have been better... We're out of this house next week, I sure hope we can get everything packed in time... Sarah Palin posted a bunch of Obama gaffs, doesn't take into account he had a national reputation as a thinker first. Maybe if she spent more time preparing and less time defending... People just disappear like they were never there in Harry Potter movies, one line and they're gone... We're still trying to sell a car, give away a cat, and sell a house in Chicago if you know anyone who might be interested... Is there really a reason to put a microwave oven in a box when you are moving??? I hope Tom Delay gets life without parole... Oh, and probably giving away two yard-a-saurs too now that I think of it... Really this ought to be a post about what I am thankful for, but I guess that would be about two hours too late... Monday I have to switch all the utilities. I better get my voicejail shoes on... We went to a restaurant for Thanksgiving, first time I've done that. Aside from not being able to immediately retire to the couch I think it's a pretty good plan... I am going to miss this house I think... My dad was unable to go through the airport magnetometers the last few years of his life. I wonder if that would have lined him up for enhanced pat downs these days... I've got my sister and brother in law's holiday gifts figured out, now I have to start on my wife's side of things... Still hoping the new Tron won't suck. Pray with me... If I can cancel my parking at work when I move, it'll be like giving myself a raise - even during a salary freeze... I am considering retaking the green page after the first of the year. It's just not the same without me...

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