Thursday, December 31, 2020

NYE Ellipses...

2020 is almost over.  I wish turning the calendar page did so much more than just change the date...  I've been teaching from home for one and a half semesters now.  It's different, but not as different as some people make it out to be, I think...  Gib5on has been going to online school for one and a half semesters - or the equivalent thereof.  Academically I don't think it has made much of a difference.  Socially, well that's another story...  I have had a broken foot for several weeks now.  It is some kind of penance for Gib5on's broken leg earlier this year.  Here's hoping 2021 proceeds without fractures...  We have a nice pandemic pantry.  Nothing too irrational, but a good stock.  To date it has been unnecessary...  Finishing the basement last year turned out to be prescient.  All this home time would have been much more difficult without it...  Sabian is like *this* close to talking.  I don't think she's really noticed the stay at home much even though she's been out of daycare for one and a half semesters...  You would think that having a kid out of daycare would be a financial windfall.  You'd be wrong...  My bike has been sitting in the garage since I broke my foot.  It might be there for months now.  I had thought I'd lost the keys, but they turned up in Gib5on's snow boot...  Mrs. TANBI continues to revolutionize American health insurance.  COVID has meant no work trips for her, but for some reason way way more meetings...  It would be really nice to go on a trip, or go to a movie, or see some family but it all feels like too big a risk these days.  That's too bad...  I really hope the leadership has their crap together for the Electoral College tally.  We keep saying things won't happen these days right up until they happen...  No First Night for us this year.  Another on the list of things we won't be doing: Kennywood, Idlewild, Sandcastle, Phipps Winter Lights, Pirates, Steelers...  The kids haven't seemed to miss that stuff and we say we do those things for them - maybe it is a little for us though...  Here's to a happier and healthier 2021...

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