Monday, April 29, 2024

Worth a Look

Here are a few articles from last week's Greenpage that might be worth your time...

UK’s creative industries bring in more revenue than cars, oil and gas – so why is arts education facing cuts? Recent guidance issued by the education secretary, Gillian Keegan, to the Office for Students reveals conflicting priorities in government and pours fuel on fires burning in an already troubled higher education sector. The focus on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) – “strategically important high-cost subjects” – is met by a freeze on funding for arts subjects such as music, fashion and drama at undergraduate level.


Microsoft AI creates scary real talkie videos from a single photo Microsoft Research Asia has revealed an AI model that can generate frighteningly realistic deepfake videos from a single still image and an audio track. How will we be able to trust what we see and hear online from here on in?


Performer paralyzed during Bellagio ‘O’ show sues Cirque du Soleil

Shows | Entertainment: Kyle Mitrione dove head-first into a moving platform during the new “Island” act in the show at the Bellagio, fracturing his neck and spine and causing “complete quadriplegia,” according to the lawsuit.


The Wiz revival’s choreographer: JaQuel Knight talks the Tin Man, the Poppy Girls, and Black excellence. When it was announced that JaQuel Knight would choreograph the stage revival of The Wiz, a particular cross-section of the internet emerged to express a lot of excitement. These fans were not only those deeply familiar with the 1978 Sidney Lumet film or the 1974 Broadway production upon which the film was based, but also followers of today’s top-tier pop stars, female rappers, and R&B singers.


Some Toronto theatres have been duped by AI-generated reviews. What role will they play in arts marketing moving forward? These quotes describe two Toronto theatre shows. Two are from well-respected local media outlets, and one is from what many experts say is a source known for its AI-generated news. It’s hard to tell the difference. Even those in theatre marketing are grappling with how to tell those fake reviews apart from real ones.


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