Monday, September 02, 2024

Worth a Look

Here are a few posts from last week's Greenpage that might be worth your time...

Lifeline Theatre budget gap shows theater funding struggle

WBEZ Chicago: Lifeline Theatre occupies a sprawling brick building in Rogers Park, a former energy company substation converted into a midsize neighborhood theater. It’s the classic example of Chicago’s unique brand of theater — a community staple with a long history.


Everything You Need to Know About Being a Showrunner

No Film School: Imagine being the brains behind one of the most popular shows on streaming or television. You have so much responsibility. and it's not just story. Your title is "showrunner," and that all-encompassing word. You're part god, account, hostage negotiator, and writer.


Canvas to Concert: How Sophomore Quinn Bryant’s Paintings Inspired the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

News - Carnegie Mellon University: There is power in uniting past and present. It’s a power that Carnegie Mellon University student Quinn Bryant and composer James Lee III both wield — in their own work, as well as in their recent collaboration for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Their collaboration culminated in June 2024 with the world premiere of “Captivating Personas,” Lee’s four-part orchestral piece inspired by Bryant’s canvases, for the orchestra’s 2023-24 season finale.


Paralympics: Louis-Gabriel Nouchi Designed Opening Ceremony Outfits

The New York Times: Louis-Gabriel Nouchi, of the Paris-based fashion brand LGN, was thrilled when he got the phone call asking him to design the costumes for the Paralympics’ opening ceremony, which was held on Wednesday in Paris, with a procession down the Champs-Élysées that ended at the Place de la Concorde.


How to Clear IP for Independent Productions

No Film School: As an independent creator, you’ve probably had that moment where you watch a great movie, hear an amazing song, or read an inspiring book and think, “I’d love to use that in my own project!” Whether it’s a catchy tune, a powerful scene, or a clever line, incorporating these elements can really bring your vision to life.


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