Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Julie likes ellipses... I think the Slingbox is cocking up my network connection... I gave a test today, a pre-test to gauge prior progress. One of the students said "please don't show this to the other teacher's, they'll cry." I am not sure this is the result I was searching for... I didn't really miss the Golden Globes. Not sure if I would even miss the Oscars... Should we have a Super Bowl open house? I think maybe... While at Moto I missed the last Steelers game, after hearing about it I am kinda glad I did... Someone is really goofing around with the controls of the weather machine... My boss's boss's boss (sorta, it's not that simple at that level) called me a "hero" today. That should be worth something... The Powerball lottery is up to like $90 million, maybe I should get a ticket... The new Gladiators is pretty much the same as the old Gladiators, except Hulk Hogan is no Mike Adamle... Today we had a welcome back reception, there was hummus... My home office is a disaster area... Mrs. TANBI got a Santuku for xmas. Today she cut herself with it... I still haven't completed that list from the other day, or the laundry... I think another one of my former students is leaving the business. I used to have that as a goal, now I'm not so sure... Watching The Wire is better than reading Salon and Slate pieces about The Wire, except I would like more Omar... The pricing at Don Pablo's is confusing... I now have more than 10 books in my "to read" stack. In the meantime, I have been reading Spook Country for about three or four months now. Blogging, feeds, and Civ really cut into the reading time. I think I will have to start paying someone to read my feeds... Today at The Six, Sean and I demonstrated what Bad Carp/Worse Carp looks like... Hurry up and have that South Carolina primary already, I need some news ellipses...


D Holcomb said...

bad carp/worse carp?
I think I may be sorry that I missed that one.

BWard said...

see if your wireless router has a feature called Quality of Service (QoS), you should be able to set the slingbox to a lower priority than the rest of the net