Sunday, March 14, 2021

Worth A Look

Here are a few posts from last week's Greenpage that might be worth your time...

British theatre urged to 'completely rebuild' to improve diversity

Stage | The Guardian: British theatre needs to be “completely rebuilt” in the wake of Covid-19 to make it more accessible to people from diverse backgrounds, according to the director of a web series about the challenges facing people of colour in the industry.


Two new reports reveal just how much our society fails independent arts workers

Datebook: A little more than a year ago, as 2020 was getting into gear, it wouldn’t have been unreasonable to think that AB5 would be the biggest force reshaping Bay Area theater for the year. Many theater workers get hired as independent contractors instead of as employees — a system that AB5, also known as the gig-worker law, is poised to upend.


Where Is Hollywood When Broadway Needs It?

The New York Times: Dear Extremely Famous Friend of the American Theater, You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I realize the pandemic has turned life upside down, but you’ve gone so quiet that I’ve started to wonder if you ever truly meant it — if all the times you spoke of your love of the stage, if every time you reminisced in an interview about how profoundly it shaped you, you were just … what? Following a script? Trying to fit in with your cast mates while you briefly returned to the theater, this time as a star?


Producing through a Broadway shutdown and beyond

Broadway News: In the days leading up to March 12, 2020, investors and invitees had begun flying to New York from around the world to attend the Broadway opening of “Six.” Producer Kevin McCollum knew a Broadway shutdown was a possibility. An usher had already contracted COVID-19 and the NBA had just suspended games, but he was not sure when the call would be made.


I Have No Desire to Produce a Performance, Live or Livestreamed, Until the Pandemic Is Over. I’ll Wait.

Dance Magazine: Friends, I'd like to deliver some news that might be challenging for you. As much as we have been trained to believe "the show must go on," I can assure you right now, it will be fine if it does not.


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