Thursday, July 01, 2021


Long time no type...  It is the second child's birthday today.  I think a good time was had by all.  There was singing of "Happy Birthday" well into bedtime...  I think the CFO is going to take the hit.  He would have rolled by now if he were going to...  So far, rainy days at camp don't seem to be any worse than sunny days at camp - at least if you listen to our camper.  That's a real achievement for a camp...  A donor endowed the grad program I attended so as to make it tuition free in perpetuity.  Briefly I had the thought: "would it have been so hard to make that retroactive for 20 years?"  But then I realized that wouldn't be long enough.  I am old...  It would be nice, when ordering a half sheet cake that they would tell you that the printed graphic frosting is formatted for a quarter sheet cake.  Then maybe you could tell them to fill in the empty space.  Just saying...  The garage looks better than it has in months - maybe years.  If anyone asks, that's what I did with June...  I've finally joined the ESTA TSP Rigging Working Group.  I probably should have done it a decade ago.  I guess I had other plans (that didn't come to pass)...  You would think a year's worth of free PTM magazines would be a large pile.  It really isn't...  It occurred to me yesterday that my relationship with rain really changed at some point.  I think it was when I bought a house...  I need a series of YouTube videos or something to teach me the features of the car that replaced the Xterra.  I feel like I am not making proper use of it...  I've been to campus twice this week.  It is really sleepy.  The vending machine in the student lobby is empty...  I though they told us that Citizen's United made it so there was more money in the system than anyone could need.  But they still keep sending emails looking for my $3...  Maybe tomorrow I will post a birthday photo...  I don't remember how long these posts need to be to be worthwhile.  Let's guess this long...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missed these.