Tuesday, July 09, 2024


I was going to post every day in July, but then I realized that what I wanted was an outlet, not additional stress.  The first week in July turns out to be pretty busy and so I haven't gotten round to this until now.

The last posts for the sake of posting on this page were in November of 2022.  That was a post about how Microsoft had nearly bricked Outlook with an update and how unfortunate that was.  For the record, it is still functioning sub-optimally.  Pretty much every computer reboot presents with an Outlook launch that won't access my work email.  In most cases I can just close the application and restart it and that is enough to make it work - although I can't send email from my outlook.com address.  I find that particularly humorous.  Every couple of months the thing gums itself up enough requiring a start in safe mode and a restart.  That actually happened today.  Each time I find myself in that situation I am pretty sure that'll be all she wrote for Outlook, but so far it always manages to come around.  Back in November of 2022 our IT person said he's done with Outlook, so I am pretty much on my own to find work arounds.  It has something to do with user profiles, but I think it might be unfixable.  Last time we looked we found a known issue between Outlook and Google Suite email.  I'm not sure it is in their best interest to fix it.

The post before that shouldn't count as it was sort of a retraction for articles posted on the Newspage.  There were conflicting articles about Bruce Willis and AI.  I had posted them on my page and then put them in my newsletter, so I put a post here contextualizing them.  I am a little concerned every time I hit send on the newsletter that I am promoting something wrong.  That "drama-all" d-list is a disaster just waiting to happen.  So far this has been the only issue though, and I am fairly sure nobody noticed but me.

Before that you have to go back to August of 2021: two "Ellipses" posts where I am trying to do exactly this.  There's probably a theme to posts around "I am trying to get back into the habit of posts."  That effort went two days.  Not too successful.  It is interesting to go back and read even these truncated posts and see how little has changed (and how much COVID had changed things in the short term).  The 10/10 post complains about Pluto TV, which is funny because I just reloaded Pluto on the Rokus.  They seem to have fixed a lot of what I was complaining about, and they added a bunch of content I like.  There are two more Ellipses posts from July 2021 and then back into work posts.

Most of what has been here for a while are two flavors of work post (like you haven't seen it if you are reading this): "Worth a Look" and "DP Weekly Wrap Up."  The former are five Greenpage articles I think are good but got little student attention.  The latter are mostly articles I'd flagged but that didn't make it to the Newspage that have particular relevance to SOD DP disciplines.  Every now and then there's also a YouTube crosspost of students doing a Newspage Podcast.

There are a rash of what I guess I would call "real posts" ending at September 2020 and working their way backward.  The go back through March and then they drop back to mostly work posts.  This is the pattern all through 2019.  I made an effort with "Photo Friday" posts, each with a couple of phone pictures from that week.  Those posts are pretty fun in hindsight.  Maybe I will try them again.  I find it interesting that there are no posts at all from July of 2019, which was a hugely eventful period.  That gap represents a significant shift in my attitude about posting in general.

In November of 2018 there's a run of posts with a culminating "how'd I do" post talking about a posting sprint.  Another attempt to restart the habit.  And then another sprint in July: 31 posts in 31 days.  After that there's nearly nothing until 2014 at which point I think we can say we're into regular posting.  Almost 10 years since I had really been into this.  I would not have thought it was that long.  If someone had asked I would have said 4-5 years at the outset.  10 years is a long time.  Interestingly that does correspond to another significant development.  Maybe it was more about that and less about posting in and of itself.

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