Wednesday, October 24, 2007


How Bush wrecked conservatism | "If it happened under Bush, Iran-Contra wouldn't even make Page A-18. Reagan covertly funded a guerrilla operation in an inconsequential Central American country. Bush covertly and duplicitously laid the groundwork for one of the longest and most expensive wars in American history. Bush declared that habeas corpus, a magnificent cornerstone of Western law, did not apply to those he designated, without judicial review, 'enemy combatants.' He claimed the right to lock those individuals up forever, without allowing them to bring their case before a jury. He made torture official U.S. policy, and was directly responsible for the American-run torture factory at Abu Ghraib. His approval of warrantless wiretapping constitutes perhaps the most serious frontal attack on the right of privacy enshrined in the Fourth Amendment in American history. He has made unprecedented use of 'signing statements' to disobey laws he disagrees with, marginalizing Congress in the process. His radical theory of the 'unitary executive' runs roughshod over the balance-of-powers doctrine that has guided American governance since the Founders."

1 comment:

Peg said...

Oh my God. Never ceases to horrify me. Especially when laid out so calmly and simply like this.