Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do You Like Your Insurance?

posted to whitehouse.gov:

with regard to a public health insurance option...

I kept hearing on the radio today people saying if there's a public plan we "won't be able to keep the plan we like." Without exploring the truth of whether one would have to leave their coverage, I dispute that there is anyone who actually "likes" the insurance they have.

I'm sure there are people that like their doctor. I am sure there are people who are satisfied with their insurance, or who would say they have good insurance. But I can't believe there is anyone that really likes the private insurance they have.

If there are people that might answer a poll question saying they did like their insurance, I would bet that there really are zero people that would not switch were they able to get lower premiums, better coverage, or simpler usage from a public program (provided the change not diminish the other attributes).

The thought that there is anyone out there who likes the solution they have is a hollow argument.

1 comment:

Blake said...

> But I can't believe there is anyone that
> really likes the private insurance they have.

I think it's assumed that the question is in reference to people who like their insurance in comparison to being forcefully enrolled into a state-run program.

Since we only have the state-run programs implemented in other countries as a yard-stick by which to measure such things, I'd say there would indeed by many people who would claim to like their current plans as opposed to the plans run by countries like Britain and Canada.