Wednesday, July 01, 2009


That schedule idea didn't last very long, did it? I didn't think it would... If you can spare a dime, California may need it... We're beginning to wonder if anyone is going to show up this weekend... Why oh way do I need to hear anything about Sarah Palin? Enough already... OK CNN I get it, Michael Jackson died. Surely there is other news I would care about... Hossa goes to Chicago, wonder what that does for their chances? It worked so well for the Red Wings... We're having National Litter Box Confinement Week. The cats are not impressed... Can you get liver toxicity if you read the directions on the painkiller? I bet not... My dad has made it to Facebook. I supposed that means Facebook is just about over... Nice to have that MN Senate race cleared up, finally... We're going to try to do five projects in six weeks in Precollege Drafting. That's busy... So far the new Firefox is peachy... I really need to do something about our driveway, it's beginning to look sorta like a jungle... My DSL at home is still intermittent, Verizon should really do something about it. I wonder if iPhone tethering will be cheap enough for me to think about dropping our DSL... By the end of this week I ought to be spending a lot of my employer's money... Not sure I will be able to get into watching year one West Wing episodes... I think I finally found a way to do a feed of feeds automatically, stay tuned for the mother of all arts pages... Mrs. TANBI and I were non-plussed by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Everything is nice, but the mission appears muddled... Strawberry Baked Alaska is pretty cool. Good job Michael Symon... We saw "Away We Go" a few days ago. Pretty good flick... I am getting nervous about our upcoming LA-Steamboat wedding spectacular, to say nothing of the Rigging Seminar I have to teach in Washington DC several days before - better get on those damn powerpoints... The euchre app I bought for the iPhone doesn't let me see the last card played in each trick, makes it kinda hard to count trump... I am over people saying "reboot" when they are really saying "remake" or maybe "re-envision." A TV series is not a computer...

1 comment:

Raising Them Jewish said...

LA Huh? Say hi if you have the time :-)