Monday, July 23, 2012

New Drafting Project

After teaching Precollege drafting with manifestly the same assignments for a decade or so I decided to change it up some.  Used to be we did lineweight and layout and then constructions, follwed that up with orthographic projection and went from there to isometric and oblique.

I like the isometric and oblique project a lot.  Historically the students have not.  By the end they want to burn all of my figure blocks.  Also for the last couple times through that project has wound up being the last project.  We went from three days a week to two and as a result lost some assignment time.  The upshot is that they never get to scale, and never get to draft anything real.

So, I am changing it up.

This year following the orthographic projection assignment using the figure blocks we're doing a new assignment depicting a real world object in orthographic projection.  The object has to be large enough to also require that the drawing be done in something other than full scale.  For my example object I picked a bench:

Here are the instructions for the assignment:
The goal of this project is to continue familiarize you with the orthographic drawing format, and to introduce drawing scale.  You should continue to develop your lineweight, layout, & lettering.  There is an outline of the drawing on the back of this sheet, and one posted in the studio.

Go forth out into the world and find yourself an interesting (but perhaps somewhat simple) object of a size at least twice as big as our standard C-Sheet drawing.  Complete a top, front, and section view orthographic.  Dimension and label your drawing.

Drawing Components:
1.    Class border and titleblock.
2.    Select an object, and select one face and orientation as the front.
3.    Select an appropriate scale for your drawing.
4.    Using that figure and orientation draft a front, top, and right side view on your sheet in the proper orientation.  Remember to show hidden edges.
5.    In each view, dimension as appropriate.
6.    Label each of your views.

This assignment is due at the end of class on Wednesday, August 1st.  Please be prepared to present your work and discuss it at that time.

And here's the example drawing:
I think it'll make a nice bridge between the full scale mechanical drawing projects and actual theatre elevations.  This way we add scale and sections - two things I rarely used to talk about.

There's a couple of mistakes in that drafting.  Can you find them?

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