Monday, January 20, 2014


Headed back into the Polar Vortex.  Can't wait...  We are down to two cats - from five.  It's different...  Mrs. TANBI had her baby shower.  Fun was had by all...  I owe like a TON of blog posts: Scottsdale, First Night, Home Improvements, Cats, FCEs.  After all these years you'd think I would be better at this...  The new ER at Magee is pretty slick...  We had a closet clean out last week.  Maybe too early for spring cleaning, but just as effective...  Turns out the recycling guys will take broken down bundled cardboard.  Learn something new every day...  The schedule I wound up with for the Spring semester is the oddest one I have had yet...  The truck is making a sound like "I'm old."  That can't be good...  Last week NPR said the way to deal with back pain is: get over it.  Sounds like a tough sell to me...  Dear Amazon, if as a Prime member I have a registry shouldn't people buying my gifts get the free two day shipping?  Just a thought...  Been binge watching DS9 on Netflix.  They really hit their stride there in the middle...  Watched Jack Reacher the other night.  Nice for watching the Pittsburgh locations...  Who would have thought that itsPeg would know the folks from Cope, Inc?  Worlds collide...  Next week is Playground, or as we in Technical Direction know it "Navigator Training"...  I think the Newspage comments this week were better than most of last semester.  Maybe poking people does make a difference...  Not that anyone is asking, but in my opinion Jos A Bank and Men's Warehouse shouldn't be allowed to merge...  Do you watch Morning Joe on MSNBC?  I discovered it though the MSNBC Roku app.  Pretty good show and even better with minimal commercials...  Today I talked fairly randomly for more than an hour about excel.  I'm not sure that's a good thing or a bad thing...  Got quoted in an online article today and now I feel like I need to email some apologies.  Be careful what you tweet.  There might actually be people listening...

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