Wednesday, March 13, 2019


The idea that there could be planes crashing not due to pilot error or even over some mechanical problem but rather over a software problem is really, really scary...  I don't understand why at the doctor's office they bring you back to an exam room when they really aren't ready for you, so you wind up waiting, alone, in a tiny room.  The room you were in is literally called a "waiting room."  Seems like they know what it is for...  I am beginning to think that I can make myself agitated enough to actually make myself ill.  I would not have thought that would be possible...  This week is Spring Break.  I have now been to work three days in a row and am going in tomorrow.  I think I am doing Spring Break incorrectly...  Next week is USITT.  I will be at the conference.  You should look me up if you go...  The multiple layers of fraud in this college admissions scandal is really disturbing.  It is even more disturbing to think about how vulnerable the system is to this type of manipulation...  The Friday Photos posts depend on me taking photos over the week.  Sometimes I forget...  If you have an app, and that app shows a schedule, you ought to adhere to that schedule, and if you can't do that then you are probably better off not showing the information...  Season 7 of DS9 is really good, but there are also more episodes than I remember that are off the main road plotwise...  The other day I participated in a kind of "Yes, this is really a job" presentation for  bunch of 8th graders.  There was among the group exactly one person that seemed genuinely interested.  She, of course, was interested in performance...  I drove a truck today.  I want to say it was like the fourth time (not counting pick up trucks).  "Don't let them know you can drive the truck" is one of my standard pieces of professional advice...  Apparently "amongst," although a word, is less favored than "among."  And now you know...

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