Wednesday, April 08, 2020


I haven't done one of these this time around...  WXRT played a recording tonight of a Melissa Etheridge concert from the Chicago Theatre in 2001.  I am fairly certain I was there that night...  Gib5on doesn't want to wear a mask when he goes out.  That's an opinion we will have to change...  We did a Zoom seder tonight.  It was simultaneously better and worse than normal...  The other day I was out in the car running an errand and passed a crowd of like a dozen guys just hanging out on a stoop.  That's not proper social distancing...  My new home desk configuration does not support the posting of calendars I have become accustomed to...  Dude fired the IG charged with watching the relief funds today.  There is simply no non-nefarious reason to do that...  If anyone knows a way to export an entire Gmail tag of messages into a text file I would like to know how...  I wrecked a meeting yesterday by wondering if there would be work in the fall.  That would totally suck...  I have friends today who had their power knocked out last night by a storm.  No internet is normally a nuisance.  No internet when you can't go out is an order of magnitude worse...  More than three quarters of the way through the year and I am still getting homework with names...  Woot had really big monitors on sale today.  It is possible I made an upgrade...  I'm looking for games that can be played over Zoom - and people to play games over Zoom...  I'm reading a book by Liz Phair.  Based on one of the stories I think it is possible that I was at her high school graduation.  New Trier had two ceremonies - there's a 50/50 chance...  It was almost 70 degrees here today.  Friday morning they are predicting flurries.  Must be time for Spring Carnival...  My normal summer gig isn't happening normally.  It is up in the air if it will happen abnormally or not at all...  The Frosh relented this week an authorized me to follow their Instagram...  This current situation has gotten me occasionally watching local news.  That is a fairly large behavior change...  Stay home...  Stop the spread... Save lives...

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