Thursday, April 02, 2020

Then Again Maybe I Won't

I was going to go out today.  Well, I did go out today.  Gib5on and I went for a walk with Sabian.  She sat in her stroller and he played with a giant tire.

I'm not sure why there's a giant tire there, but it has been a pleasant diversion.

What I mean is that I was going to go to the store today.  I'm out of SodaStream gas and getting that shipped has historically been problematic.  They have them at Staples and there's a Staples pretty close and that store is normally sleepy, so the social distancing there should be easier and more effective than it has been at the grocery store.

So I had a plan and I had the time and I was gonna go.  Then I didn't.

Just seems like soda isn't worth getting my family sick.  I've got this thing in my email .sig now: "STAY HOME - STOP THE SPREAD - SAVE LIVES."  Feels like if I have that in my .sig and am foisting it upon everyone that gets an email from me that maybe going out for soda gas is in conflict with my own brand.

I'm going out tomorrow.  We have a curbside grocery pickup, at least we think we do, and we think they'll have food.  Maybe when I am already out I will stop for soda gas.  Or maybe while I am at the grocery store I should just buy soda and give up the Sodastream for the balance of the social distancing.  I just make diet cola with it anyway.  It's not like stores don't have diet soda.

You don't really save all that much money making it with this gear anyway.

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