Wednesday, April 22, 2020


I cancelled the ScenoFab final again.  We're going to do a game show instead...  The mayor of Las Vegas should be immediately recalled...  It isn't fair when the weather drops into the low 30s after making it to 70...  Gib5on has an email address.  They grow up so fast...  Our house guests are leaving in a couple of days, we were just getting into a rhythm...  People are starting to talk about online options for the fall.  I guess that's better than nothing for the fall...  After all this time still really liking having the ability to stream WRXT on the Echo...  I am doing all this typing but I bet there aren't too many folks reading...  Meetings these days have a tendency to morph into group therapy.  I am not sure that's the best use of everyone's time...  I can't help wonder where all this money Congress is appropriating is coming from.  It is strange to me that isn't being discussed...  Either the battery or the charger for my camcorder has bought the farm.  I have to come up with some way to figure out which...  We're watching "Shop Class" on Disney+ but it looks like all that's there is the first round.  That sucks a little...  Sabian can walk with the walker, but she doesn't crawl.  I think it is likely she will walk before she crawls.  Ruins an aphorism I've heard my whole life...  I09 recommended episodes of DS9 today.  In the later seasons they could have written less if they told you which episodes to skip (it is a good show)...  Netflix apparently has a hit with their Spenser movie even though both critics and audiences thought it was bad.  Not sure how that works...  We threw it in for crits this semester.  I'm trying to think of something cool to do with the TDs in its place...  The Micheal Jordan docuseries on ESPN is pretty cool.  All the articles it is precipitating are a nice bonus...  All my apps have been trying to remind me of carnival over the last several days.  Kind of bittersweet under the circumstances...  Lunch of Thursdays is a bummer.  Monday too...

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