Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Should I place any credence in numerology? If so, I think I ought to be playing the lotto this week - or running for something.

  • A couple of days ago I got to my hotel room 16234 at 2:34PM.
  • A few nights ago I finally put down my book at 2:20, I was on page 220.
  • The next night I finished that book at 2:20.
  • Today I got in the car at 4:44PM, the thermometer next to the clock said it was 44 degrees.
What is up with that?

Do you think that this sort of thing happens all the time and I am only just noticing it over the last few days? Or is there some sort of bizarre numerical alignment going on around my life right now?

If there is some sort of magical thing going on, I wonder what the best way to take advantage of it would be? Certainly lottery tickets jump to mind. I could hurry up and do my taxes, some magic is always welcome there. Maybe I should step on a scale? Although I doubt any supernatural force will help in that department. So many possibilities.

Anyway, its probably nothing.


Anonymous said...

My cousin chose which college she went to based on her numerologists advice. Granted, she went to Humbolt and is a crazy hippie. The cause/effect relationship is a little unclear in this instance.


Peg said...

I think it's cool that you've had so many numeric coincidences recently. Further, it's cool that you've noticed. And thought enough to mention it. (Or perhaps didn't have anything else to talk about, but I choose to believe otherwise.)

Sarah Louise said...

I don't tell many folks (although now I'm telling the Internet) but sometimes I count Cadillacs (when I was in Mary Kay I developed an eye for them and can spot them from miles away.) Every once in a while I have days when I see 5 in 10 minutes while driving to work. I then count them until I get to a significant digit. This week, from Tuesday to Saturday, I counted them until 50. But I'd rather spend cash on a grocery store tabloid than buy a lottery ticket, even on such a lucky week. I love noticing stuff like makes me know there IS an order to the chaos of this universe. And, what a coincidence? that I had a number related story and I so rarely read your blog...

oh and my "avatar" has changed due to the Olympiad. The pink sneakers will be back in two weeks.