Saturday, February 02, 2008


It's amazing how much more gets done when you do the prep... Did you know that people in the class of 2011 never saw Johnny Carson on TV? So sad... That debate the other night was like some kind of love-in... The people that make Enzyte admitted in court recently that their product doesn't actually do anything... Drama faculty are in New York this weekend, NYDAC scheduled an event for next weekend - coincidence??? The Superbowl is tomorrow, I have no plans. At least the NFL isn't trying to break up my party...Juno is a decent flick, really well written and a great cast... The slingbox is working, it's pretty cool but I don't think I'll be able to use it to show videos in class... That "I'm fucking Matt Damon" video is fucking hilarious... It's going into week three and my new class still doesn't have a syllabus; maybe I should just give them all A's and move on... They keep telling us that it's just that expensive, but big oil once again posted record profits... I think the Daily Show should do a Ron Paul vs. Mike Gravel debate before the parties throw in the towel on the whole primary thing, might be nice to hear something that wasn't a sound bite... They are making a Land of the Lost movie, Yay! It will star Will Farrell, Boo... The new laptop is cool... I've done a lot of renovating over at the other page, you should check it out... Oh and OH MY GOD! 60,000 HITS what is up with that??? Thanks for the help on the flier, keep it coming... Did you hear that if the GOP nominates McCain, Ann Coulter says she'll campaign for Hillary? Thanks but no thanks...

1 comment:

D Holcomb said...

I like the new look. You might think of "widening" the page. It takes a lot of scrolling to read some of the items. I'm a fine one to talk with my PMW Blog, but that's because the content I post is pre-sized, smaller than I would also like there.

But the look is good, and the re-focus on CMU is also nice. How's the syllabus coming? :)