Thursday, February 14, 2008

"It's Not You, It's Me"

Letter from a young, hip, cynical former Obamamaniac. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine: "I know it's kind of lame to break up with you on Valentine's Day. And on the Internet to boot. But it's also kind of ironic. And that's what I need to tell you. As an ironic, contrarian, so-hip-it-hurts Gen X-er, I just can't love you anymore. I can't like you because … because, well, everyone else does. And suddenly supporting you just seems soooo last week."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I flipped that article to a friend of mine at work. The response that came back to me is also posted on the Slate forums:
"Gen X -- who for so long confused irony with self negation and called it interesting -- is no longer hip. Sorry, wrong decade."
And there is, regrettably, some truth in that. Reality still bites, just not like it used to.