Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Still Hanging With SCC

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Is it a shame to admit that on the Friday a little while back I was more engaged by the episodes of Dollhouse and Sarah Connor Chronicles than by the series finale of BSG? I'm not a Whedon guy like other people are, but when that phone machine picked up and she said "there are three flowers in a vase" and the girl went all batshit, well, wow that was good TV. It made me think that all the episodes we'd seen up until that point were just there to give us enough balance to be able to handle how the stories are really going to go. Which was also the point at which I remembered that there was discussion online ad nauseum when the pilot was written about how they had to rewrite it because it was too hard to follow.

(Firefox says "batshit" is not a word, by the way - although curiously the second time, and in quotes it seems to be ok. Perhaps we need an experiment: batshit. Nope, quotes don't seem to matter. Perhaps spelling something wrong twice proves you're too determined to be corrected. I digress...)

I opined some time ago about why you should be watching SCC. I have to say that after some time I still believe it to be true. The resolution of the Riley plotline, how she was an agent of sorts, and then how John had made her as an agent but hadn't let on and then how John busts Jessie, and then how Derek may or may not have aced Jessie was really, really well done. The only bit I was unhappy with was that I sorta liked Riley as a character and I guess had figured it would wind up with Jessie and Riley joining the gang in their fight against Skynet. This was was much darker, but also probably much better, and certainly more interesting.

Last week was for me a less interesting episode, but it was worth hanging in as the last fifteen minutes or so were killer. We've been going on for quite some time now being lead to believe that the thing in the basement using the triple-8's body and the worlds most advanced AI was in fact the embryonic Skynet and that the T-1000 running the company was in some way sheperding it's development and protecting it from the Connors. But this week another AI, something dating back to the T2 story came on the scene and suddenly you have to start wondering is John Henry Skynet or not? And if not, just what is Catherine Weaver up to? For a brief moment I saw a geometry in my head where Weaver's T-1000, John Henry, Agent James Ellison, and the Connors all wind up on the same side.

And if none of that makes any sense to you then all I can say is get on line and get caught up. It's real good TV.

(and now, the first batshit isn't a spelling mistake but the second two, but not the one I just typed are. Which I guess means that learning to spell and buying a dictionary are not as obsolete as one might think.)

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