Monday, June 17, 2013


Missing my dad pretty badly today on Father's Day.  Well, really pretty much still every day...  The NBA Finals this year are like a heavyweight prizefight: hay-maker after hay-maker...  Finally got to the Doctor Who on the DVR.  I never would have thought I would say it, but I might be done with Doctor Who...  Today I finally hung one of the cabinets I bought over a year ago for the garage.  One down, one to go...  Getting the summer projects going...  Looks like probably no Dinosaur workshop or Automation workshop this summer...  Is it cheating on the Penguins if I keep watching the NHL even though they're out?  I think it should be ok...  I think I am going to have to start looking for some friendly Ultimate games...  If I had to decide, I don't think I would call Snowden a hero or a traitor...  Kind of neat to see former students and classmates on TV.  If you aren't watching Tait Stages you should be...  The new Tweetdeck lets you shrink the window down to two columns.  I had been waiting for that...  Does the world really need two fish tank fabrication TV shows?  Do I need to watch two fish tank fabrication shows?  Maybe I will just pick one or the other...  Trying to make a change to the Technical Direction Shop Biographies project.  Be nice to have a standing wiki...  Fairly certain I don't want the NSA recording the nature of all of my phone calls, I'm really certain they don't need my browser history...  Now that Google bought Waze does that mean it isn't cool anymore?  I don't want to have to find a new nav app...  Mrs. TANBI is instituting a fairly rigorous schedule of entertaining.  She's good at entertaining...  I had the burger at Eleven.  I must confess I didn't like the burger at Eleven...  I'm supposed to be thinking about my next professional step should be.  Not really sure I'm getting someplace...  Sure would be nice to see some summer pictures on the Tumblr...  There's something knocking in the back seat of my truck.  It's driving me nuts.  I may be too easily driven nuts... 

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