Tuesday, January 15, 2019


For the first time in 20 years I don't have a cat.  Feels weird...  There isn't a better candidate for AG than the person who was AG 30 years ago?  Really?  He must be really good...  I wouldn't have thought keeping lego sets separate and with their instructions would give desirable replayability.  It does...  Last week I broke down and recycled all of the boxes in our basement.  This week I need boxes.  Guess we'll need to buy more stuff...  Is it possible that the special counsel's report will go the way the Warren Commission report did?  Sealed for 25 years would be an interesting twist...  I got a parking ticket at work this week because I am careless.  I appealed it on those grounds.  I'm not confident the appeal will come down in my favor...  There is absolutely no reason for us to reup our cable agreement.  They're offering faster internet at the same price for a two year deal, but we don't need faster internet.  I think we'll stay out of contract...  The airline told Mrs. TANBI to be at the airport three hours in advance to offset possible shutdown related TSA issues.  If that's the new normal I can't see this lasting much longer (although I have no idea how they'll resolve it)...  I'm looking for remodeling contractors if you know any you'd recommend.  We need a basement water-proofer too.  The internet should make this easier.  I don't think it does...  Netflix is raising their price again.  Sooner or later they will make us fans of Amazon Prime Video...  As part of a basement sweep I wound up going through my bin of random cables.  This time around the s-video and telephone cables didn't make the cut.  Probably should have let go of the composite and component cables too.  Next time...  I'm back on the 5/2 thing.  Not sure it's working though...  With everyone starting exploratory committees I'm thinking maybe I ought to start one of my own...  It'd be great of the Roku people found a way for the apps to not log out, or at least for there to be a more expedited way to log back in if you've already authenticated once... 

1 comment:

Brian Munroe said...

I threw out parallel printer cables on my last pass thru the milk crates of cables. And some rca cables I had since high school.
Call your cable provider and ask for the retention department. I was going to cancel the cable and phone portion of our service, leaving the internet, and they offered me a deal to keep all 3 that was cheaper than the internet alone.
As goofy as the “next door” app can be (see @bestofnextdoor on Twitter) it can be pretty decent for contractor recommendations.

Brian Munroe