Monday, January 21, 2019


The smart clock in the living room spontaneously decided it would have holiday notifications.  I guess that's a value add, although the scrolling takes a while...  It was like February in Chicago cold here today, and it's not even February.  I think I'll take the cold over accumulation...  I knew the waterproofing should be more than 5 and less than 10 and that's where it came in.  I wonder if they knew what I thought I knew and set me up...  If you get everything you want and they don't get everything they want then it isn't really a compromise...  I think of things to write in these posts all day and then can't remember them when it comes time to sit and write.  If I were an organized person I guess I would carry a notebook and jot them down as I go...  Our furnace has two stages and the first stage is so quiet that for a stretch today I was convinced that it wasn't working at all.  What was keeping the house heated if it wasn't was the bit that eventually convinced me to relax...  The creator Lego sets ship with three sets of instructions.  It turns out they now have a fourth set of instructions if you check out the website...  I'm really strongly considering thinning out my connections on Facebook and LinkedIn.  The only reason I can think of to not do it is that it would be a lot of work...  We've got a bunch of fairly high end cat stuff we don't need anymore.  If you're local and you're interested let me know...  We thought we were doing a bathroom and the basement, but really it's also the garage and the office.  That room in the attic would be a good add too if I can swing it...  There was what really looked like good news about WearOS the other day.  Then I read a bunch of articles and decided it was probably nothing...  The CSR I chatted with a while back said my cable package price wouldn't go up if we didn't reup our bundle (and sign for a two year agreement) and it didn't.  It didn't for two months and then it did.  I guess that's why you sign for the bundle...  Watching the Patriots/Chiefs game drives home how important clack management turns out to be.  If KC could have used more clock they might have gotten a different result.  No more points.  No more takeaways.  Just score slower with time running down... 

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