Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Well, the party is over.  The folks at the buffet are charging the boy the full child rate.  Makes it no longer a deal, just a fun dinner...  Who would of thought that the World of Concrete show would be so on point for Technical Direction...  All these measles outbreak stories are really scary.  Many people there caught up in real fake news...  It appears to be recommendation writing season...  When I cleared out my parents house there was some stuff I just couldn't throw away.  It found it's way to our basement.  Now we're clearing out our basement and I get to have those choices all over again...  Snow is tough, but cold and rainy is worse...  Maybe, just maybe we'd all be better off if the news channels decided that at least 50% of their air time ought to cover something other than politics.  Maybe...  Going through notes for class tomorrow brought me across the acronym PTFE.  PTFE is Polytetrafluoroethylene.  Now you know...  The movie Geostorm feels like it owes a lot to the movie Armageddon, except the latter is much better...  Target has a bin for recycling inkjet cartridges.  The hard part is remembering that Target has a bin for recycling inkjet cartridges, or moreover remembering to take the inkjet cartridges to the Target to put in the bin...  Taking the bus on days when it rains is a little less than...  For reasons beyond understanding each bid for each scope we're looking at for our basement is coming to the same number.  At least it is a fairly reasonable number...  This election cycle has felt to me to be faster than any previous election cycle.  It isn't actually faster, but the next election feels like it is coming up PDQ...  One of my former students was featured in a Tested video.  That is pretty cool...  I really hope some day I get to use Polytetrafluoroethylene in a Scrabble game.  37 points...

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