Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I miss chat.  I used to chat all the time.  I guess folks are to the point where they think of SMS as chat.  I'm just not there yet...  Having a museum membership is a good thing when your kid's school texts you at 11AM to say they are closing at 12:30PM.  It is less of a good thing when it is Tuesday and the museum is closed on Tuesday...  People are coming to the realization that the report we are all waiting for could wind up sealed like the report from the Warren Commission.  That will disappoint a lot of people...  We're talking to a contractor about renovations.  We just found out the contractor doesn't include paint.  I'm not sure how you hold yourself out as a renovation contractor and not have paint in your scope of service...  I'm sure if I looked it wouldn't be out of the ordinary, but the swing in the temperature these days sure feels atypical...  I really like the movie Strange Days.  Watching it now it really has some very hard to watch sexual violence.  Maybe I need to reevaluate my assessment...  We saw Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse the other day.  I'm really glad we got to see it in the theater.  The animation style reads really well on a big screen...  The first year class got the Critical Path assignment this week.  I guess we'll see what they're made of now...  Would it be too much to ask that 50% of news shows be something other than the circus?  There certainly are other things happening.  Maybe we ought to hear about them...  I read an article yesterday about Facebook content moderators.  That looks like a tough gig...  Daycare is really, really, really expensive.  Elizabeth Warren can't get on that fast enough...   USITT is coming up in a few weeks.  I really need to do better at setting up lunches and dinners.  Last year was kinda lame...  If you run an internet business and you require an email address for someone to see your site, you should know it is really annoying when you email solicitations to that address multiple times each day, every day.  That's a good way to get someone to never buy anything from you ever...

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