Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Alphabet Soup

I am a SME.

I'm not exactly certain how it happened. One day I was just me, and then without warning I was a SME.

In the process of becoming a SME I think I may have moved from the ESTA RSWG to becoming an ETCP SME. Of course all of this came long after the disbanding of the ESTA CPC and the formation of the ETCP CC. It seems though that I will not be part of the ETCP CC, just an SME.

Still, I am thankful for being a SME. I hope that the whole SME thing will really help with my CMU SOD RTP. I wonder if it will be enough to swing the SRC and the CRC, my being an ETCP SME, as well as being a part of the RSWG - oh, and the ESTA ESWG. That way I can remain in the SOD PTM option.

Last week I went to AMP in KC for the first SME meeting. It was cool. They even paid me.

SME = Subject Matter Expert
ESTA = Entertainment Services & Technology Association
RSWG = Rigging Skills Working Group
ETCP = Entertainment Technician Certification Program
CPC = Certification Program Committee
CC = Certification Council
CMU = Carnegie Mellon University
SOD = School of Drama
RTP = Review, Tenure & Promotion
SRC = School Review Committee
CRC = College Review Committee
ESWG = Essential Skills Working Group
PTM = Production Technology & Management
AMP = Applied Measurement Professionals
KC = Kansas City

1 comment:

Anonymous said...